swap arrangement

[swɑp əˈrendʒmənt][swɔp əˈreindʒmənt]

[经] 互换安排

  • The asset swap arrangement will help the HKMC to acquire mortgage assets under the current difficult market environment .

    资产 交换 安排有助按揭证券公司在当前比较困难的市况下买入按揭资产。

  • The two sides may make good use of the currency swap arrangement of over 700 billion yuan give play to the role of the four Renminbi clearing banks in Europe and improve the RQFII scheme to ensure that financial cooperation become a bond that link our common interests .

    双方应用好7000多亿元人民币本币 互换 机制,发挥在欧洲的4个人民币清算行作用,健全RQFII制度,让金融合作成为双方利益融合的牢固纽带。

  • Meanwhile the European Central Bank said it had auctioned $ 10bn in one-month loans to European banks under its new swap arrangement with the Fed also at 4.65 per cent .

    与此同时,欧洲央行(ECB)表示,根据与美联储新 达成 互换 协议,它已将100亿美元1个月期贷款拍卖给欧洲各银行,利率也是4.65%。

  • Network of standing currency swap arrangement

    预约通货 交易 套作网法