


  • A Chinese company had identified the additive as glycerin a safe sweetener and thickener .

    一家中国公司已经确定这种添加剂是甘油,它是一种安全的 和增稠剂。

  • Scientists are to assess whether the artificial sweetener aspartame causes health problems in people unusually sensitive to it .

    科学家正在评估人工 甜味 阿斯巴特是否会引起对此异常敏感的人的健康问题。

  • And you can cut down fat and sugar more by using skim milk and an artificial sweetener .

    并且可以使用脱脂奶和人工 甜味 减少脂肪和糖。

  • A crystalline substance 500 times sweeter than sugar ; used as a calorie-free sweetener .

    一种比蔗糖甜倍的晶状物质;用作一种无卡路里的 甜味

  • An artificial sweetener made from aspartic acid ; used as a calorie-free sweetener .

    一种人工 甜味 佐料,由天冬氨酸制成;用作一种无卡路里的甜味剂。

  • In restaurants and similar establishments concentrated syrups containing the sweetener and flavors is directly mixed with carbonated water as the drink is being drawn .

    在餐馆或类似的设施中,当人们索取饮料时,包含着 甜味 和香料的浓缩糖浆和碳酸水直接混合。

  • Or with milk and sweetener ?

    或者是牛奶加 甜味 呢?

  • The cost of the sweetener in the wholesale market is at its highest in 30 years .

    批发市场的 糖价达到了30年以来的最高水平。

  • The functional characters and applications of xylose crystal & A non-calorie sweetener

    无热量 甜味料&结晶木糖的性质功能和应用前景

  • Function and use of feed sweetener

    饲用 甜味 的作用及使用中的 注意 事项

  • The other study blamed aspartame the artificial sweetener used in most popular chewing gums .

    另一个研究则归咎于阿斯巴甜口香糖中最常见的人工 甜味

  • Further study is needed to determine whether the sweetener can cause cancer it says .

    而要确定这种 甜味 能否导致癌症还需进一步研究。

  • Saccharin is the main sweetener for diet drinks .

    节食饮料中使用的 甜味 主要为糖精。

  • A new study links small doses of the popular artificial sweetener aspartame to leukemia lymphoma and breast cancer in rats .

    一项新的研究表明小剂量的受欢迎的人工 甜味 阿巴斯甜和老鼠的白血病,淋巴瘤和乳腺癌相关。

  • Some was sweetened with sugar the rest with an artificial sweetener .

    一些饮料添加了糖,而另一些则添加了人工 甜味

  • The condition of enzymatic hydrolysis selection of color-protecting reagent stabilizer and sweetener were also discussed .

    对加工过程的酶解工艺、护色剂、稳定剂、 甜味 选择等进行了探讨。

  • Saccharin is an artificial sweetener .


  • How can an artificial sweetener contain no calories ?

    人工 甘味 为什麽可以不含任何卡路里?

  • Objective : A new method is established for the determination of2 kinds of aseptic and3 kinds of sweetener in dairy products drinks by HPLC .

    目的:建立一种能同时测定乳制品饮料中2种防腐剂和3种 甜味 的检测方法。

  • Thus it is a nutritive sweetener but contributes very few calories .

    于是,它是一种有营养 热值极低的 甜味

  • The artificial sweetener sorbitol has a laxative effect

    人工 甜味 山梨糖醇有通便作用。

  • Maltose is used sparingly as a mild sweetener for foods .

    麦芽糖可以作为食品中温和的 甜味 而少量使用。

  • Mint and verbena are safe tasty choices that don 't require a lot of sweetener .

    薄荷和马鞭草比较安全,可口的东西不需要含有大量的 甜味

  • The government said it had discovered that the label for the chain 's honey barbecue seasoning mix listed the artificial sweetener stevioside which is banned in Hong Kong as an ingredient .

    政府说现已发现该连锁店的蜂蜜烧烤混合调料的标签中列出了人造 甜味 甜叶菊甙,这一成分在香港是被禁用的。

  • Research in the1970s linked a different sweetener saccharin to bladder cancer in lab rats .

    科学家们在上个世纪70年代进行的一项老鼠实验证明,一种名叫糖精的 甜味 会使得动物患上膀胱癌。

  • Fructooligosaccharide ( FOS ) a functional sweetener has been found in various fruits and vegetables and can be produced by the fructosyltransferase from plants and microorganisms .

    蔗果低聚糖是一种广泛存在于天然的水果和蔬菜中的功能性 低聚糖,可通过植物和微生物的果糖基转移酶作用来生产。

  • With isomaltose oligosaccharide as sweetener low sugar ice cream was developed by adding natural aloe juice for its pure fragrance and bitter taste .

    本研究利用天然植物芦荟榨汁,将其特有的“清香苦味”添加入冰淇淋中,配以异麦芽低聚糖为 甜味 研制低糖冰淇淋。

  • High fructose corn syrup ( HFCS ) is the cheap sweetener most fast food restaurants use in their sodas desserts and many other products .

    果葡糖浆是大多数快餐店在他们的苏打、甜品和其他产品中使用的便宜的 甜味

  • CCE also has used unusual packaging for Coca-Cola C2 the new mid-calorie cola that combines corn syrup with artificial sweetener .


  • The simplest product is sugar syrup which can be marketed as a speciality sweetener like maple syrup .

    最简单的产品是糖浆,可作为类似槭糖浆的特殊 甜味品销售。