
[swɑð, swɔð, sweð][sweɪð]



  • The Kazakhs are a nomadic people spread throughout not just Kazakhstan but a swathe of Central Asia .

    哈萨克人是游牧民族,他们并非仅限于生活在哈萨克斯坦,而是散布于中亚的 大片 区域

  • She said : ' I find it quite shocking that the fashion industry seems to have forgotten a huge swathe of women who are middle-aged but not ready to wear cardigans just yet .

    卡洛琳说,我感到很奇怪,时尚圈似乎忘记了很多中年女性,她们还不打算穿 开衫

  • The blankets that swathe his disabled limbs .


  • She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics

    薄薄的黑色织物 了自己硕大的身躯

  • The tornado 's progress can be seen in a swathe of destruction nearly10km long and0.5km wide .

    通过这条接近10千米长0.5千米宽遭到破坏的范围可以看到这次 龙卷风的路径。

  • Bureaucratic blunders have cost the economy dearly and Japan needs a swathe of reforms to trade and competition without which the economy will continue to disappoint .

    政府部门犯下的一 系列错误使日本经济损失惨重。日本现在需要一 系列贸易和竞争 机制改革,否则的 ,日本经济将继续令人失望。

  • Ministers plan to expand price controls for a broader swathe of generics .

    部长们计划扩大价格控 的范围,以 包括大量的非专利药。

  • They wanted the president to demilitarise a swathe of territory to allow talks .

    他们希望总统开辟一块“安全地带”来进行 和谈

  • Australian officials estimate that about 160 Australians are assisting terrorist groups in the Middle East and parliament has recently passed a swathe of tough new anti-terrorist laws .

    澳大利亚官员估计,约有160名澳大利亚人正在协助中东的恐怖组织,澳大利亚议会最近新通过了一 系列严格的反恐法律。

  • The first requires a swathe of bold structural reforms to boost jobs and growth the second a credible plan to balance the books in the medium term that does not wreck the economy in the short term .

    第一个问题需要一 系列的大胆的结构改革来促进就业和经济增长,第二个问题则需要一个可信的方案来实现中期收支平衡而不能危害短期经济。

  • Year by year great swathes of this small nation 's countryside disappear .

    年复一年,这个小国家的乡村 面积 正在片片地大量消失。

  • Last year ash clouds from another Icelandic volcano led to the closure of a huge swathe of airspace across Europe and chaos at airports around the world .

    去年,冰岛另外一座火山 喷发形成的火山灰导致欧洲大范围空中交通关闭,引发全世界机场的混乱。

  • The farmer cut a swathe in the field with his scythe .

    农夫用镰刀在地里刈出一条 来。

  • I love to swathe myself in silk .

    我爱 穿 真丝服装。

  • The bodies of these mammoths were found throughout a wide swathe of northern Siberia .

    这些 猛犸的尸体发现地点 在于西伯利亚。

  • Apart from Table Mountain and the swathe of pristine beaches Cape Town is a city that 's made for browsing .

    除了桌山和 众多 天然的海岸外, 开普敦也是一个 天然 城市。

  • Such a new approach could provide the private equity industry with a swathe of fresh capital from Asian countries .

    这种新方式可能为私人股本行业提供一 来自亚洲国家的新资金。

  • In the ensuing months a swathe of emerging market countries including Brazil Thailand and South Korea introduced capital controls to attempt to stem portfolio inflows threatening to push their currencies higher creating barriers for foreign investment houses .

    在随后的几个月,包括巴西、泰国和韩国在内的一 系列新兴市场国家开始实行资本管制,为外国投资机构设置障碍,试图遏制有可能推高本币汇率的投资组合的流入。

  • The storm cut a swathe through southern England

    风暴 重创了英格兰南部。

  • On May 1st the army took over another swathe of territory

    军队在5月1号又接管了另一 长条领土。

  • His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet .

    他的头上缠满了一 层层用床单撕成的 绷带

  • However regulatory pressure and the plunging appetite for risk have wiped out a swathe of lucrative businesses ranging from securitisation to proprietary trading .

    然而,监管压力以及对风险偏好的骤降,已经抹去了从证券化到自营交易等一 系列利润丰厚的业务。

  • She came top in11 of the20 arrondissements of Paris as well as in a large swathe of central and south-western France and in many of the working-class banlieues .

    她赢得了巴黎二十个县当中的十一个,而在法国中部与西南部的一 大块地域中她也获胜,还获得许多郊区工薪阶层的支持。

  • China 's interest in Iceland came to the fore in 2011 when a Chinese property tycoon tried to buy a large swathe of land in the north of the country for a tourism project .

    中国最早在2011年开始对冰岛产生兴趣,当时,一名中国地产大亨试图在冰岛北部地区买下一 大片地,开发旅游项目。

  • Keegan 's team have been cutting an irresistible swathe through the first division .


  • Aid agencies are appealing for funds to help the victims of recent floods in a swathe of African countries .

    救援组织正在上诉让基金在一个非洲国家的 包扎 用布中帮助最近洪水的受害人。

  • The height of a swathe of the Himalayas has dropped by around one metre as a result of the devastating Nepal earthquake scientists say .

    科学家指出,在尼泊尔大地震后, 喜马拉雅山脉下降了大约1米。

  • Bill tried to show off and cut a big swathe with ann .

    比尔想 露一手留下一个好 印象