sweep down

[swip daʊn][swi:p daun]


  • The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river .

    转过一处 大弯 ,地面消失在与河水相接处。

  • As we travel south the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks

    我们一路南行,乡间开始变得起伏不平, 绵延的山峦一直 延伸到河岸。

  • Through the long winter months the winds of the North Sea sweep down upon it bowing the trees before them .

    北海的风在漫长的冬季一直往这里刮, 树木都刮得 弯下了腰。

  • When the time comes to drop its weapons the wings could sweep back and telescope down to a shorter length preparing the craft for a fast attack run .

    投弹时间一到,将 机翼长度缩短并向后 收起,方便飞机进行快速攻击。

  • The hands reach up either to the right or left of the body and the fingers move or wiggle like falling water as the hands sweep down to waist level .

    双手伸出,一只向身体的右边一只向身体的左边,当双手 向下经过腰部手指动起来或摆动像 水落下。

  • Sweep flame around tube in short strokes up and down at right angles to run of tube .

    垂直环绕着管道上 下来回短促 着火焰。

  • The sweep down flow and contra-hairpin vortex in a turbulent boundary layer

    湍流边界层 中下 流与反发卡涡

  • By choosing to let go of the past we can sweep out all the ashes that weigh us down and subtly affect every aspect of our health our relationships and our peace of mind .

    选择放手过去,我们可以 扫去那些重压在身上的尘埃。这些尘埃微妙地影响着我们的健康、人际关系和内心的宁静,可以说影响我们生活中的每一个方面。

  • Great tongues of cold air at times sweep down over North America .

    巨大的冷空气舌常常 侵袭北美。