swear in

[swɛr ɪn][swɛə in]


  • It can 't be * I swear I put them in my pocket .

    这不可能,我 发誓把他们放我兜里了。

  • Swear was prevalent in litigation of ancient western countries .

    宣誓 古代西方的诉讼 普遍存在。

  • Bill remember yourself ! Don 't swear in front of the children .

    比尔,注意检点!别 孩子们面前 骂人

  • Senior people may swear in private but should be careful about doing it in public .

    高层人士可以 私下 骂人,但在公共场合这么干就要小心了。

  • Having not to swear in front of children .

    不要 孩子面前 脏话

  • We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law .

    我们有一位证人愿意 法庭上 宣誓 作证

  • I will swear for his appearance in court next Tuesday .

    保证他下周二 出庭

  • Ted I don 't want to swear in front of Korean elvis .

    泰德,我不想 韩国猫王面前 骂人

  • The experiment showed the more often people swear in daily life the less extra time they could stand the pain .

    实验结果显示,一个人 脏话的频率越高,他对疼痛的忍耐力就越差。

  • Then I swear I will believe in whatever you said and protect you throughout my life .

    然后我 发誓我会信任你所说的每一句话,终我一生保护你。

  • Are you willing to swear in court that you saw him do it ?

    你愿意 法庭上 宣誓 你曾看见他做那件事了吗?

  • A ceremony to swear in a new government in Rome .

    新政府的 宣誓 就职仪式在罗马举行。

  • If you had good manners you wouldn 't swear in company .

    你有礼貌的话就不会 客人 面前 张口 骂人

  • Soon after the New Year the new Congress will come to Washington to be sworn in .

    新年后不久,新一届国会议员就将前往华盛顿宣誓 就职

  • Don 't you dare swear in front of me !

    你敢 我面前 咒骂

  • Would you swear that statement in court ?

    你愿意 法庭内 发誓吗?

  • We must not force others to take oaths nor must we swear in the name of god .

    不能强迫人家发誓,也不能自己 上帝的名字 发誓

  • Sometimes you 'll swear you don 't see in yourself the loathsome qualities you notice in others .

    有时候,你会 发誓 自己身上看不到你在别人身上注意到的那些可恶的品质。

  • The chief justice will swear in the president .

    审判长,首席法官,法院 院长

  • Teachers ought not to swear in front of the children .

    教师不应当 学生面前 骂人

  • He has been brought up not to swear in front of women .

    他从小就被教育不要 女性面前 脏话

  • Will you swear in the name of this God that you are not my mother ?

    你会 这位神的名 发誓说你不是我的母亲吗?

  • Don 't swear in front of the children .

    孩子们面前 骂人

  • I swear in this free absolutely no mental obstacles excuses or reservations please God bless me .

    在此自由 宣誓,绝无任何心智障碍、借口或保留,请上帝保佑我。

  • If you are brave enough to swear those rubbishes in Chinese I 'll say you are the highest IQ man !

    如果你足够勇敢到 中文 那些垃圾,我会说你是智商最高的人!

  • Once the human becomes addicted after smoking is very then difficult to swear off because in tobacco 's Nicotine widely regards as narcotics it plays the stimulation to the central nervous system .

    人一旦对吸烟上瘾后便很难 戒掉,因为烟草 的尼古丁被广泛视为毒品,它对中枢神经系统起刺激作用。

  • But he spent years denying that he was the father going so far as to swear in a court document he was sterile and infertile and as a result did not have the physical capacity to procreate a child .

    他很多年都否认自己是父亲,甚至在法庭文件 发誓:自己没有生育能力,所以,从生理上讲不可能有一个孩子。

  • I swear I must crush english in two years .

    发誓我两年 把英语搞定了。