


  • The application of PLC in synchromesh cutting system

    PLC在 切割系统中的应用

  • The authors make a research in the contact stress that has influence over the service life of synchromesh belt using the method of cyclic problem of elastic theory and by means of the mapping function .

    利用平面弹性理论周期问题的方法,以映射函数为工具,对影响 同步带寿命的接触应力进行了 人的研究。

  • An Investigation of the Material for Synchromesh Rings in Automobile Gear Box

    汽车 同步环材料的研究

  • Influence of the Design Parameters of Synchronizer on Synchromesh Performance

    同步器设计参数对 同步 啮合性能的影响

  • The principle of hypocycloidal synchromesh sleeve pocket machining was introduced .

    介绍了用 摆线加工滑块槽的原理;

  • Tooling Structure of Synchromesh Gear Hub and Its Application

    同步 齿毂成形模结构及其应用

  • It is very important to design a rational tooling structure for producing high quality gear hub in synchromesh transmission .

    为了生产高质量的 汽车 变速 同步 齿毂,合理设计 选择 成形模结构尤为重要。

  • The brass with high tensile strength and wear resistance is an ideal material for synchromesh rings in automobile gear box .

    高强度耐磨黄铜是作为汽车 同步 环的理想材料。

  • The Structure Design of the NC Machine Tool for Synchromesh Sleeves Machining

    汽车 同步 齿套加工数控机床结构设计

  • Enhance the financial policy monetary policy industrial policy and employment policy synchromesh when implement the macroscopic economy regulation readjustment of the economic structure as well as arrangement main industry layout and significant project should consider to expand the employment first .

    加强财政政策、货币政策、产业政策与就业政策的 协调 配合,在实施宏观经济调控、经济结构调整以及安排主要产业布局和重大项目时,优先考虑对扩大就业的影响。

  • Finally through testing experiment this method may enhance the precision of the induction synchromesh .

    最后,通过实验测试,该方法可以 幅度提高感应 同步 的精度。

  • On the Process and use of Gear Extrusion Tool in Automobile Synchromesh Transmission Ring Gear

    简述汽车 同步 齿 挤刀的使用与加工

  • Application of PLC in the synchromesh belt / strap length-measuring machine

    PLC在 同步带测长机中的应用