surplus value

[ˈsɚpləs ˈvælju][ˈsə:pləs ˈvælju]


  • The Alienated Labor Theory and the Inevitability of Its Transforming into Theory of Surplus Value

    异化劳动理论及其向 剩余 价值理论转变的必然性

  • Firstly commercial capital takes its share of the surplus value and the averaged profit .

    首先,商业资本也参加了 剩余 价值的瓜分,同时也参与了利润的平均化。

  • Secondly industrial capitalists alone possess all the surplus value of the realized value in commodities .

    其二,所实现的商品价值中的 剩余 价值,都由一种资本家即产业资本家所占有。

  • Capitalists batten on the surplus value created by workers .

    资本家靠榨取工人创造的 剩余 价值而致富。

  • In Marxian theory of surplus value there could only exist zero-sum relations between capital and labor in the creation of value .

    内容提要在传统 剩余 价值论的架构中,劳动与资本在价值创造中只存在零和关系。

  • Ground rent comes from the extra profit in agriculture and is one form of the divided surplus value .

    地租来源于农业中的超额利润,也是 剩余 价值被分割的一种形态。

  • I still use the surplus value theory ?

    我的“ 剩余 价值学说”还有用吗?

  • Marx pointed out that ordinary engineers and technicians join in the creation of surplus value .

    马克思曾经指出,一般的工程技术人员也参与创造 剩余 价值

  • The internal motivation of the capitalist economic development is the pursuit of surplus value as is the capital exploitation of the labor .

    资本主义经济发展的内在动力是对 剩余 价值的追求,是资本对劳动的剥削。

  • I deny that surplus value is the source of profit in any useful sense .

    在任何有用的意义上,我都否认“ 剩余 价值是利润的源泉”。

  • Now let 's come to have a look at how Marx continues to investigate different concrete forms and laws of surplus value under the presumed ideal commodity after he has revealed its essence and origin .

    我们再来看在理想商品的假定下,马克思揭示了 剩余 价值的本质和来源之后,如何继续探究在现实的资本主义生产方式中, 剩余 价值的各种具体形态及其规律。

  • You are very concerned about China now is a socialist system I think of surplus value of course still exist However his exploitation content is still exist ?

    您过去非常关心的中国,现在是实行特色社会主义制度;我认为 剩余 价值当然仍然存在;但是,他的“剥削”内涵是不是也仍然存在呢?

  • The existence of such positive-sum relations of capital and labor can be considered as counteracting factor of the law of relative surplus value .

    这种在不同层面存在的正和关系构成了相对 剩余 价值规律的抵销因素。

  • If your boss pushes you around exploits you or appropriates your surplus value the reasons have nothing to do with the ownership of capital .

    如果你的老板欺压你、盘剥你或者占用你的 剩余 价值,那也与资本所有权没有什么关系。

  • Surplus value is the essence of profit .

    剩余 价值是利润的本质。

  • System Method and Comparative Surplus Value Theory & A Discussion on the System Method Used in the Fourth Piece of Das Kapital Book One

    系统方法与相对 剩余 价值生产理论&《资本论》第一卷第四篇中系统方法的探讨

  • In other words the surplus value is no longer owned by industrial capital alone but shared by various types of capital which are involved in the circulation of capital .

    也就是说,劳动创造的 剩余 价值不再由产业资本独占,而是由参加资本循环过程的各种资本共同瓜分。

  • The capitalist economy growth changes in the same direction with the surplus value rate and the surplus value accumulation rate while in the reversed direction with the capital organic composition .

    资本主义经济增长与 剩余 价值率、剩余价值积累率呈同向变动,与资本有机构成呈反方向变动。

  • Indirectly value namely labor surplus value you didn 't pay him the surplus value go ?

    还有间接价值即劳动 剩余 价值您并没付给他,这剩余价值到哪去了呢?

  • When the surplus value rate is invariable with the increasing capital organic composition the surplus value accumulation rate must be raised to maintain the economic growth rate .

    剩余 价值率不变时,随着资本有机构成的不断提高,要维持经济增长率不变,必须提高剩余价值积累率。

  • The scientific labor value and labor surplus value analysis made laborer why poor rich how people rich conclusion .

    了科学的劳动价值和劳动 剩余 价值的分析,作出了劳动者为什么穷困,富人们是怎样富的结论。

  • This surplus value is you think is profit into your own pockets .

    剩余 价值被您认为是利润塞入您自己的腰包了。

  • Here I will make a comparison between the revelation of the law of movements of gas in molecular physics and the examination of the surplus value in Capital .

    这里,我举分子物理学中研究气体运动规律的例子,与《资本论》对 剩余 价值的研究作一比较分析。

  • The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx 's economic theory .

    剩余 价值学说是马克思经济理论的基石。

  • In capitalist society not only industrial capital owns the surplus value the laborers produce commercial capital bank capital and usurer 's capital also have their share in it .

    在资本主义社会,劳动者所创造的 剩余 价值,不仅仅由产业资本所独占,还有商业资本、银行资本、高利贷资本也要参与瓜分。

  • Under the conditions Marx examines the transformed form of surplus value & profit .

    在这种条件下,马克思研究了 剩余 价值的转化形态&利润。

  • For Mandel the total surplus value produced constitutes a limit to the amount of profits to be realised the amount of capital that can be valorised .

    对于曼德尔来说,经济体所生产的总 剩余 价值,是将要实现的利润总额的最高限值,是可以限定的资本总额的最高限值。