



  • Few people have large sums of surplus cash

    几乎没人 手头很富裕。

  • The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx 's economic theory .


  • That has increased the trade surplus .

    这增加了贸易 顺差

  • There is a vicious circle going on & prosperity surplus depression .

    繁荣 过剩萧条,一个恶性循环正在进行。

  • Japan 's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars .

    日本每年的贸易 差额在1亿美元左右。

  • It 's an essay heavy with surplus phrasing .

    这是篇 废话连篇的散文。

  • So how to trade and the utilization of foreign capital in terms of double surplus .

    那么如何从贸易和对外资的利用角度来分析双 顺差

  • This increases the price of Chinese exports and reduces the trade surplus .

    这将提高中国出口商品的价格,减少其贸易 顺差

  • After 10 minutes the surplus material is washed away and any remaining deposit examined with ultra violet light .

    10分钟后 剩余的物质被冲洗掉,任何残留的沉淀物则会用紫外线进行检测。

  • It produces more than it needs then dumps its surplus onto the world market .

    当产量超过需求时, 过剩的产品便倾销到世界市场。

  • This will reduce the external surplus in trade and current payments .

    这将会降低贸易和经常性支付的对外 顺差

  • Norway 's budget surplus has fallen from 5.9 % in 1986 to an expected 0.1 % this year .

    挪威的预算 盈余已经从1986年的5.9%降至今年预计的0.1%。

  • The houses are being sold because they are surplus to requirements .

    这些因 超出需求而 闲置着的房子正在出售。

  • The invisible trade surplus was £ 200 million lower than reported .

    无形贸易 盈余比报道所称的少2亿英镑。

  • As ordinary laborers we can hardly tell necessary labor from surplus labor .

    作为普通劳动者,我们自己很难区分必要劳动和 剩余劳动。

  • The country 's trade surplus widened to 16.5 billion dollars .

    该国的贸易 顺差增加到165亿美元。

  • Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus

    日本的预算 盈余令人羡慕。

  • I sell my surplus birds to a local pet shop

    我把 多余的鸟卖给当地的宠物商店。

  • If export and import demand is elastic then the change in trade volumes will operate to remove the surplus .

    如果进出口需求具有灵活性,那么贸易额的变化则可能会抵消 盈余

  • The deal will net some surplus .


  • Germany suffers from a surplus of teachers .

    德国遭遇了教师 过剩的问题。

  • Surplus equipment should be turned over to the higher authorities .


  • Since reform and opening up the rural surplus labor have achieved trans-regional transfers in China .

    自改革开放以来,农村 剩余劳动力实现了跨地区的转移。

  • Portugal will probably have a small current-account surplus for 1992 .

    葡萄牙1992年经常项目可能会出现小额 顺差

  • Every household has surplus grain .

    家家户户有 余粮

  • Surplus resources alone do not guarantee growth .

    仅有 富余的资源并不能确保发展。

  • Brazil has a big surplus of coffee .

    巴西有很多 剩余咖啡。

  • The accounts show a surplus of 2 yuan .

    收支相抵,净 两千元。

  • There is a little surplus of raw materials .
