surety bond

[ˈʃʊrɪti bɑnd][ˈʃuəti bɔnd]


  • Application and generalization of engineering surety bond Discussion on necessity of establishing a risk management mechanism at engineering insurance market

    工程 保证担保制度应用与推广工程 担保市场应建立风险管理机制

  • The risk of surety bond is the credit risk of the insured . To some extension this kind of risk is subjective and only can be produced by the policy-holder . The last chapter discusses subrogation which is also special .

    第三章讨论 保证保险风险, 保证 保险的风险是被保险人的授信风险,该风险的特殊性在于在某种程度上是主观的,并且只有投保人才能导致该风险的产生。

  • Surety Bond and Safety of Engineering In Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Restoration and Reconstruction

    工程 保证 担保与灾后重建工程安全监管

  • The sixth part is improving the matched environment of running of student loan surety bond .

    第六部分是优化我国助学贷款 保证 保险 制度运行配套环境。

  • In this paper the significance of construction surety bond prequalification is analyzed from the point of view of information economics and game theory . It helps to remove asymmetry of information in construction market and develop a more perfect credit mechanism .

    本文首先从信息经济学和博弈论理论出发,探讨了工程 担保资格审查的经济学意义是修正了市场的信息不对称状态,为建立和完善建筑市场信用机制创造了条件。

  • Basic Probing into Government Macro-Management for Engineering Surety Bond Industry

    政府对工程 保证 担保行业的宏观管理初探

  • Bonded contractor : Contractor who has taken out a surety Bond to cover any claims against him . The guaranteed amount for a security paid by the owner shall be equivalent to that for a performance guarantee undertaken by the contractor .

    取得履约保证的承包商:指承包商已经取得 履约 保证以避免承担任何索赔。业主支付担保的担保金额应当与承包商履约担保的担保金额相等。

  • On Insurance On engineering surety bond system

    浅论工程 保证 担保制度

  • Based on the theory and practice research this paper discussed the new-born surety bond through the following aspects : the principals of insurance law the comparative analysis and the use of special institutions .

    本文采用理论研究和实践研究相结合的方法,对 保证 保险这一新兴 险种从保险法原理、比较分析、特殊制度适用等几个方面进行了讨论。

  • A surety bond involves three parties : the surety the principal and the obligee ; while an insurance contract generally involves two parties : the insurer and the insured .

    保证 保险涉及保证人、被保证人和权利人三方,而保险合同通常只涉及保险人和被保险人两方。

  • Discussion on the Function of the Surety Bond System in Engineering

    保证 担保制度在工程中的作用

  • Reference and Analysis on Project Surety Bond System in Developed Countries

    工程 保证 担保体系分析及借鉴

  • This paper discusses the engineering surety bond from four aspects including the connotation historical background current situation in China and foreign countries and the function in domestic practices .

    本文就工程 保证 担保的含义、历史背景和国际、国内现状以及在国内实践中的作用进行论述。

  • Implementing the system of the construction surety bond is an international practice and is one of the essential conditions that perfect the market of engineering construction of our country set up the risk management and the market credit mechanism .

    实行工程 保证 担保制度是国际惯例,是完善我国工程建设市场,建立风险管理和市场信用机制的必要条件之一。

  • The author believes that as a kind of special property insurance guarantee insurance has its system value because it is different from the general property insurance surety bond and credit insurance .

    笔者认为,保证保险作为一种特殊的财产保险,有独立的制度价值,其有别于一般财产保险、 保证 担保和信用保险。