supreme court of appeal

[sʊˈprim kɔrt ʌv əˈpil][sju:ˈpri:m kɔ:t ɔv əˈpi:l]

[法] 最高上诉法院

  • The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal .

    最高 法院 上诉 终极法院。

  • There would be no automatic appeal to the California Supreme Court so appeals would be handled much more expeditiously by the courts of appeal .

    不会再出现自动上诉至加利福尼亚 最高 法院,所以上诉会由 上诉法庭很快处理。

  • The US Supreme Court allowed the sale of Chrysler to Fiat to go ahead rejecting an appeal by three Indiana pension funds that requested that the deal be put on hold .

    美国 联邦 最高 法院驳回了3家印第安纳养老基金要求暂缓把克莱斯勒(Chrysler)出售给菲亚特(Fiat)的 请求,允许该交易继续进行。

  • Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Palau He decided to appeal to a higher court .

    帕劳 共和最高 法院上诉法庭他决定向上一级法院 上诉

  • The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal and is composed of the Chief Justice and seven other judges .

    最高 法院 上诉的最终法院,它包括一个大法官和七个法官。