Supreme Being

[sʊˈprim ˈbiɪŋ][sju:ˈpri:m ˈbi:ɪŋ]


  • Administratively speaking root is the supreme being .

    就管理的角度而言,root的权限是 至高无上的。

  • Supreme god living in high sky connected the universe with Ming-Tang being the building for offering sacrifices to it .

    宇宙为 最高神的居所,明堂为人间祭祀最高神的场所,明堂与宇宙因 最高 而联系在一起。

  • Another not uncommon assertion is that God as the supreme Being cannot be known .

    此外,还有一个常常听见的说法,说上帝即是 最高 本质,因此上帝不可知。

  • But according to the new interpretation issued by China 's Supreme People 's Court a house bought by parents will go to their child instead of being split between the couple in case of a divorce .

    但是根据中国 最高人民法院的新解释,在离婚时由一方父母出资为子女购买的不动产应认定为夫妻一方的个人财产而不 双方间划分。

  • Since Supreme Court instituted the legal interpretation on civil liability of asset accreditation agency in 1996 the legislation justice and theory about the civil liability of asset accreditation agency have being have deficiency to a certain extent .

    自1996年 最高 人民法院以司法解释明确验资机构的民事责任以来,有关验资机构民事责任的立法、司法及理论不同程度地 存在着问题。

  • Chinese banks have the supreme advantage of being part of a fast-growing economy : even in a softer year analysts are pencilling in pre-tax profits growth of over 20 per cent .

    中资银行的 最大优势, 在于 一个增长迅速的经济体的一部分:即便在经济走软的一年里,分析师也预测其税前利润增幅超过20%。

  • Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being . Tick the Box Below that describes your situation .

    人格是生物内在特质的 最高实现。就你本人的具体情况 下列有关方格内打勾。

  • No one present seemed conscious that all that was going on here was the greatest blasphemy and a supreme mockery of that same Christ in whose name it was being done .

    在场的人,谁也没有想到,这里 做的一切正是最严重的亵渎,以基督名义所做的一切 是对基督本人的 嘲弄

  • He gave an interview to Spain 's El Mundo in which he expressed his firm belief that el mundo was the work of scientifically explainable phenomena not of a supreme being .

    在西班牙世界报的采访中他斩钉截铁地说,世界是可以用科学解释的现象,而非 至高 存在的造物。

  • On the Primitive Supreme Being

    论原始 至上

  • A Hindu theistic philosophy ; union of self and the Supreme Being is sought through a state of complete awareness and tranquillity attained by certain physical exercises .

    一种印度神哲学:运用体操保持 全神贯注和心灵平静以达到人神交融的境界。

  • Well it was very good but I had the supreme advantage of being familiar with the set and knowing George and Rick and most of the team .

    噢,非常好,对 片场的熟悉以及和乔治、瑞克还有大部分工作人员的熟识是我的 最大优势。

  • Yet outside the rarefied world of thinkers remarkably few deny the possibility of a supreme being ; less than 10 % of Americans .

    但是除了少数的思想家圈子之外,很少人拒绝 上帝 存在的可能性, 美国人里只有不到10%。

  • Water and the adoration of procreation & on the change from the Supreme being to the way

    水与生殖崇拜&从“ ”到“道”的嬗变

  • Therefore the National Assembly recognizes and proclaims in the presence and under the auspices of the Supreme Being the following rights of man and of the citizen

    国民议会在 主宰面前并在他的庇护之下确认并宣布 下述的人与公民的权利

  • The Constitution of China has established the mode that the supreme organization of state power supervises the implementation of constitution . Being proved in practice the system design has become inoperative .

    我国宪法确立了由 最高国家权力机关监督宪法实施的模式,实践证明,这是一个失效的制度设计。

  • To explore the ultimate value of belongingness for man as man is a purpose of philosophy in which the reason of value embodies its absolute concern for man 's fate in establishing the pursuit of human supreme happiness as being supremely good .

    哲学的宗旨在于为人之为人寻求一终极价值归属。把追求 最高的幸福确立为 至善体现了价值理性对人类命运的终极关怀。

  • Creationism or creation theology encompasses the belief that human beings the world and the universe were created by a supreme being or deity .

    创造说或创造神学围绕人类的信仰, 上帝或神创造世界和宇宙。

  • Mantras are Sanskrit-invocations of the Supreme Being .

    Mantras是梵文中向 至高无上的存在祈愿用的。

  • I believe in near future we will be able to talk & understand about the Supreme consciousness ; which is the state of being without involvement . ( J Krishnamurti called it Choice less awareness . )

    我相信在不远的将来,我们将能谈论及理解 至高意识,那是一种没有卷入的 生命状态。(克里希那穆提称之为无选择的觉知)

  • Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being .

    人格 生物内在特质的 最高实现。

  • The first Heavenly Scripture stored by the Supreme Being in his book storage is The Early Eight Diagrams compiled by Fuxi in Langzhong .


  • She decides she wants to be like the supreme god and be able to emanate on her own so she puts out a being on her own .

    她决定她要向 至高无上的神那样,自己也可以发散,于是她自己创造了一个 存在

  • That 's what comes of trying to put a spoke in the other chap 's wheel all the time ! The Queen was guillotined most of Robespierre 's antagonists were guillotined atheists who argued that there was no Supreme Being were guillotined ;

    活该!谁叫他死做对头的王后被断头处死,罗伯斯比尔的大部分对手被断头处死,认为没有 上帝的无神论者被断头 处死