

vt.& vi.使突然转向使转弯


  • I swerve to avid hit the man .

    急速 转向以避免撞着那个人。

  • To lurch or swerve while in motion .

    蹒跚而行在运动过程中突然侧倾或 偏斜

  • How does an aeroplane swerve ?

    飞机是怎么 转弯的?

  • Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies

    从对面来的汽车司机 急忙 转向以免 到那些尸体

  • Ordinary vehicles should swerve away and let fire trucks pass first .

    普通车辆应当 让消防车辆, 使 其先通过。

  • I tried to swerve but he hit us anyway .

    当我想 转弯 ,他朝我们撞过来。

  • He did not swerve a hair 's breadth from the decision he had made .

    他丝毫没有 改变自己已经作出的决定。

  • What makes her swerve without hitting the brakes ?

    为什么她没有刹车,车子 转向了?

  • He was too close for me to swerve .

    他离我太近,我来 不及 转向

  • How can tracks swerve safely ?

    汽车怎样才能安全 转弯

  • Q.If you see a lawyer on a bicycle why don 't you swerve to hit him ?

    当你看到一名律师骑自行车时,你为什么不 击倒他?

  • The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman .

    司机有足够的时间刹车或 转弯,来避开那个女人。

  • A maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve ; a maladroit translation ; maladroit propaganda .

    他的手的笨拙的动作导致汽车 突然 转向;笨拙的翻译;拙劣的宣传。

  • Harry saw the Death Eaters swerve out of sight to avoid the deadly trail of flame and at the same time felt the sidecar sway ominously : Its metal connections to the bike had splintered with the force of acceleration .

    哈利看见食死徒为了躲避致命的火焰, 闪身不见了,同时他感到挎斗不祥地摇晃起来:在加速的冲力下,挎斗和摩托车的金属连接断裂了。

  • Her car swerved off the road into a 6ft high brick wall

    她的车 突然 转向 冲出了马路,撞向6英尺高的一面砖墙

  • Don 't swerve from your purpose .

    不要 改变你的目标。

  • It could be a swerve from a steep and quiet stretch of road .

    它可以是一段坡度陡峭但安静公路的 转弯

  • Shusheng swerved the car to the left and that swerve saved his life .

    书生突然把车向左转,而这一 举动挽救了他的性命。

  • I had to swerve when that road hog overtook me and cut in front .

    当那个 玩命的司机驾车 强行超车抢在我面前时,我只得 转弯

  • She is one of those rare politicians whom one can trust not to swerve from policy and principle .

    她是那种不会 违背政策和原则的少数政治家之一,这一点你可以相信。

  • What about when you want to get your swerve on ?


  • To cause to swerve from a straight line ; deflect .

    使 转弯转向 使从直线 弯曲;转向收藏。

  • Suddenly Ned swerved the truck narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard .

    内德 驾驶的卡车差点 到一个滑滑板的金发少年,他 猛打 方向 了过去。

  • I had to swerve to avoid hitting him .

    我不得不 突然 转向以免撞到他。

  • That had been the fashion of his century and he would not swerve from it .


  • Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him ; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle ; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him .

    富贵不能淫, 贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。

  • It had hardly been a propitious beginning but he had chosen his course and would show no swerve .

    这种情形很难说是一个吉利的开端,但是他已经选定了他的道路了,他不想 三心二意

  • I had the impression that the car was going to swerve right .

    我仿佛记得汽车正要向右 转弯

  • The swerve which the car made to avoid hitting her .

    汽车为避让她而作的 转弯