swing in with

[swɪŋ ɪn wɪð][swiŋ in wið]


  • The swing mechanisms in most modern hydraulic excavators are equipped with combined hydraulic and mechanical braking .

    现代液压挖掘机 回转机构的制动大多 采用液压与机械制动联合 动作

  • With the deepening socio-political and economic reform in China has become increasingly educational reform also in full swing including the pupils participate in private tutoring with an increasingly early age particularly noticeable .

    随着我国社会政治、经济改革的日趋深入,教育变迁亦 如火如荼,其中小学生培优的低龄化发展格外引人注目。

  • The harvest season is in full swing in Shandong Province in eastern China and with it come bonfires .

    中国东部的山东省,收割季节正全面 展开随之而来的还有篝火。

  • The kinematic characteristics of the support and swinging of swing legs in the course of the last approaching stride and take-off of 6 Chinese elite female long jumpers whose achievements were over 6 . 30 m were studied with film shooting and analyzing .

    运用影片拍摄及解析的方法对成绩在6.30m以上的6名中国优秀女子运动员 摆动助跑最后一步和起跳过程中的运动学特征进行分析。

  • Method Fifty-one swing lock clasp dentures in 42 patients with Kennedy I dentition defect with periodontopathy were enrolled in a 2-year follow-up study and X-ray examination and measurement of the mastication efficiency were performed .

    方法我们 42例 患者的51件义齿进行了两年的随访,复查 时行临床检查、X线检查及咀嚼效率测定。

  • New rural construction is in full swing in the context of integration of urban and rural development many villages formulate development plan with their own advantages . at the same time rural land use right transfer and transactions have taken place in various forms .

    城乡发展一体化背景下,新农村建设 如火如荼地进行着,许多村庄 结合自身优势制定了发展规划,与此同时,农村宅基地使用权也以各种形式发生流转和交易。

  • Through this analysis it is concluded that this flame swing formed by this reason disappeares naturally in high-altitude simulation test and in ground test with truncated nozzle .

    通过分析得出,由此产生的火焰 高空模拟试验或 截短喷管的地面试验中会自然消失。

  • Stage I of the project was completed in1997.stage II works are now in full swing and scheduled for completion by2000.planning for stage III works is already in hand with construction scheduled for2001 .

    第一期工程已于一九九七年竣工,而第二期工程也在进行中,预计可于 二零零零年完成,第三期工程现正在筹备 ,预计可 二零零一年动工。

  • Application Prospect of Technology of Pressure Swing Gasification in Series with Total LTS for Syngas Production

    变压气化 全低温变换配套制取原料气技术的应用前景分析

  • The paper also designs the speedy wavelet-based algorithm of the fault-type identification . The algorithm is immune to CT saturation and power swing and improves the reliability in identifying single / two-phase-to-ground faults with previously proposed phase selection schemes based on traveling waves .

    文中还设计出基于小波变换的故障类型识别的实用快速算法,该快速算法能免受TA饱和、系统 振荡的影响,提高了以往行波故障选相方案 单相或两相接地故障时的可靠性。

  • The disadvantage on the existing JB-30B swing impacting test machine was pointed out in the paper . By analyzing its working principle a computer-controlled system with automatically monitor display print and data processing has been designed .

    提出了现有JB-30B 摆式冲击试验机的缺点,通过分析其工作原理,设计出一套 具有自动检测、显示、打印及数据处理的计算机控制系统。

  • The development of pressure swing adsorption ( PSA ) was briefly introduced and its recent advance and application in modern industry was discussed with 8 references .

    概括介绍了 吸附分离技术的发展,详细评述了吸附分离技术的最新进展和 现代工业中的应用,并预测了吸附分离技术未来的发展方向。

  • Your hands control the tension in your upper body while your arm swing works in conjunction with your leg stride to drive you forward .

    你的手控制着你上半身的紧张程度,而你的手臂 随着步伐的 来回 摆动则能给你向前的动力。

  • A large conductance and large signal swing can be obtained with the application of clock multiplier which structure can be used to transfer signals in the circuit with extremely low supply voltage .

    该结构运用电压倍增器获得高压,此高压使开关产生的恒定大跨导和大信号 能够 低压电路 传输信号,虚拟开关提高了信号传输精度。

  • But the ones who come and can be silent they can also feel the sweetness in our swing in the waters and fill themselves with the magic moments of communion .

    但是那些前来看望我们而能够保持安静的人们,也可以感受到我们在水 划动时的甜美,并 交融的神奇时刻充盈他们自己。

  • To make the step look even better swing your arms as if you were walking forward normally while keeping them in time with your legs movement .

    使步伐更完美, 摇动你的手臂,使你看起来像在地向前走 手脚的动作要。

  • Swing ingredients in a shaker with cracked ice strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a slice of lemon .

    将液体注入混合器, 碎冰块 摇匀,注入冷却过的鸡尾酒酒杯,用一片柠檬装饰。

  • As we start to get into the swing of Cherry Blossom season here in Japan we are always treated with a nice showing of Plum Blossoms .

    当我们开始进入 摆动樱花盛开的季节,我们 这里日本总是一个不错的 治疗显示梅花。

  • The experiments in the worm-gear testing set by applying load through swing bevel-gear box show that in this worm drive the load carrying capacity increases 1-2 times and the driving efficency raises about 10 % comparing with the new type cylinder worm drive of are-tooth-shape .

    摇摆锥齿箱加载蜗轮试验台上进行的试验表明,此种蜗杆传动 新型圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆传动相比较可提高承载能力1&2倍,提高传动效率10%左右。

  • Study of the Grey Swing Model GM ( 1 sin ω) in Forecasting Incidence of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome

    灰色 摆动模型GM(1,1,sinω) 肾综合征 出血热发病率预测 的研究

  • Bonus Swing : This is similar to the Sword Specialization talent that is currently in the game but Bonus Swing will work on all attacks and with all weapons .

    额外 攻击:与目前游戏 的剑类武器专精天赋相似,但是额外攻击会对所有武器的所有攻击都生效。

  • Now adopt solid adsorbents by pressure swing adsorption ( PSA ) recycling chlorine become the research focus and widely used in mixture gases separation fields with many advantages as following : low cost high efficiency low energy consumption and high degree of automation .

    所以,用固体吸附剂通过 变压吸附(PSA)回收氯气成为目前研究的热点,该方法成本低,分离效率高,能耗低、自动化程度高,广泛应用 气体分离领域。

  • Optimization result shows that the aluminum alloy swing arm meets the conditions under strength and stiffness required in the circumstances and the weight is reduced about 12.23 % with respect to the steel one .

    优化结果表明,铝合金下 满足各工况下强度和刚度要求的情况下,摆臂的重量相对于铸钢材料降低约12.23%。

  • The Swing Puncture in the Male Fleuret Competition ; Shall we fence with long or short swords ?

    剑刺 当今男子花剑比赛中的运用我们用 长剑还是用短剑来较量?

  • As the market economy in full swing car sales are increasing while some equipment is still in research and development . And with the increase of customer applications the basic facilities are in higher demand .

    随着市场经济 如火如荼的进行、车辆销量的与日俱增,相关设备的建设还在进行 随着应用客户的增多,对基本配套设施提出了更高的要求。

  • Unit testing test-first programming and test-driven development do not have to be implemented in JUnit any more than GUI programming must be done with Swing .

    单元测试、测试先行的编程和测试驱动的开发并非都要 JUnit中实现,任何比较GUI的编程都必须 Swing来完成。

  • Swing for the Stars campers in Hangzhou held a special evening vigil ceremony to share their grief with the victims of the Yushu earthquake .
