

vt.& vi.鞭打(使)发飒飒声



  • Again she charged me and I dodged just missing the stinging swish of the wet towel .

    她又一次朝我猛冲过来,我一 闪身,恰好躲过了 的湿毛巾。

  • The swish of the tyres lulled him into a light doze

    车轮 呼呼 着,他不一会儿便打起瞌睡来。

  • Classy clothes ; a posh restaurant ; a swish pastry shop oon the Rue du Bac - Julia Child .

    上等的衣服;时髦的餐馆;鲁德贝克街上时髦的点心店& 朱丽亚·柴尔德

  • Joan : Well he paid me lots of sweet comments bought dinner for me and then took me to a swish nightclub .

    琼:唔,他对我说了很多甜言蜜语,为我买晚餐,然后带我去了一个 豪华的夜总会。

  • He turned on his heel and with a swish of his cloak he was gone .

    低声 ,接着他 一下 ,一 的披风,便转眼间消失了。

  • A car swished by heading for the coast

    一辆车 驶过朝海岸 开去

  • Use same configuration steps to configure eBlade and Swish Swash .

    使用相同的配置步骤来配置eBlade和 SwishSwash。

  • He struck off the head of the dandelion with a swish of his cane .

    他用手杖一击, 打落了蒲公英的 花序

  • I heard the rope swish through the air .

    我听见绳子在空中 发出 嗖嗖

  • Tell the boy not to swish the flower heads off with his stick .

    告诉那小男孩别用 棍子把花朵 下来。

  • Swish . A technique from NLP .

    一个 NLP的方法。

  • Swish ! he slipped and fell .


  • Other firms had already been hard-pressed to meet Apple 's price battery life and hardware features let alone its swish operating system copious media catalogues and the internet 's biggest app store .

    苹果产品的价格、电池续航时间还有硬件,更不用说其 华丽的操作系统、丰富的多媒体资料和最大的网上应用商店,这些都给了其他公司很大的压力。

  • Assign a unique name to each of the participants ( Swish Swash in this case ) .

    为每个参与者分配一个唯一的名称。(在本实例中为 SwishSwash)。

  • He heard a swishing sound .

    他听到 的一声。

  • We heard the swish of a cane .

    我们听到 藤条的抽打

  • Through the use of movable illustrations the wheels on the bus go round the wipers swish the doors open and close and the people go in and out in this adaptation of the traditional song .

    在这个根据传统诗歌改编的 故事 ,通过使用可移动的插图, 巴士的车轮可以 转去,刮水器可以 唰唰地摆动、门可以开启和关闭,人可以上上下下。

  • He swished his cape around his shoulders


  • Students learnt a new way to read a story called SWISH .

    大家学习了一种新的阅读故事的方法,叫做 SWISH

  • I 'm just gonna swish out my mouth .

    我要去 我的嘴巴。

  • The swish discos and nightclubs around corfu .

    科孚附近的 豪华迪斯科舞厅和夜总会。

  • I stayed in a really swish hotel .

    我住在一家非常 豪华的酒店里。

  • With a swish of the curtains the stage was revealed for act one of the opera .

    随着 幕布 哗哗拉开,舞台上呈现出歌剧的第一幕。

  • She swish across the floor in her long silk dress .

    她穿着丝绸长服 嗖嗖 作响 房间 走过

  • In this article you will use two fictional companies the Swish Swash Wiper Company and eBlade to configure two trading partners into an integrated trading community .

    本文中,您将用到 SwishSwashWiper公司和eBlade这两个虚构的公司,将两个商业伙伴配置成为一个集成的贸易社区。

  • Her skirts gave a swish .

    她衣服的 发出 沙沙

  • This may be a tough one but you can always just swish the smoke around in your mouth rather than inhale .

    这可能会难为你,但你总可以只 烟雾萦绕在嘴里而并不吸入。

  • Then the swish of leaves colliding as my rake herded them together .

    然后,用 耙子把叶子聚拢到一起时 发出了叶子碰撞的