switch oil

[swɪtʃ ɔɪl][switʃ ɔil]


  • Because the start-up switch trouble of the diesel oil engine there are some damaged radio mounted in the car even some is discarded as useless after the finished of the work crew .

    由于 柴油发动机启动 开关故障,从而使每个施工项目完成后,都有车载电台损坏、甚至报废的情况发生。

  • When the switch is closed the variable pump has no oil supply the current decline will keep the motor in empty waiting state thus effectively save energy .

    空虚,空洞空的情况或状态当水 开关关闭时变量泵不 供油,电流下降使电机处在空载待机状态,这样就有效达到节能。

  • Development and Application of Repeated Setting Hydraulic Anchor and Repeated Switch Oil Drainage

    可重复坐封液压锚定器和反复 开关器的研制与应用

  • The Study of High Press Electrical Switch Oil

    高压电气 开关 的研制

  • Governments have also relied on regulations and financial incentives to encourage a switch from oil to less scarce less costly fuels .

    各国政府还依靠法令和财政措施鼓励从 石油向丰富而廉价的燃料 转变

  • On-load tap-changer ( OLTC ) of transformer produces electrical sparks when diverting Therefore timely diagnosis of the sealing condition of its diverter switch oil container could prevent its oil to hurt the insulation quality of transformer .

    变压器有载分接开关在 切换过程中产生电弧,因此及时诊断其 室密封状况可避免该油室绝缘油对变压器绝缘性能的损害。

  • Pressure switch ( optional ) is installed in system to realize automatic transfer for pump under low oil pressure .

    系统中设有压力 开关(可选),以实现在低 油压时的泵组自动切换。

  • I made a switch from butter to olive oil for much of my cooking .

    我做饭的时候已经不怎么使用黄油,而是 了橄榄

  • Switch the ignition on ( so that the battery Oil and Parking brake lights are displayed ) and the key is ready to start the engine-but don 't actually start the car .

    点火 开关(使电池, 石油和驻车制动灯显示),关键是准备启动发动机-但并没有真正启动汽车。

  • The growth of South Korea and Taiwan is also likely to support the market as those centres switch from crude oil .

    韩国和台湾的增长也可能为市场带来支持,这两个经济体正从使用 原油 转向 使用煤炭。

  • Reforming the High Voltage Switch Cabinet to have no Oil

    实施高压 开关柜无 化改造的方法和措施

  • Because the accident in oil circuit of hydraulic switcher directly influence the operation quality of switch the analysis of each oil circuit in hydraulic switcher is processed to solve the problems caused by this accident .

    由于液压转辙机油路故障直接影响 道岔的运行质量,为解决这一难题对液压转辙机各部 油路进行了解剖分析。

  • And then a new oil circuit extensional switch system and automatic switch control system according to motorcycle engine oil circuit system is put forward .

    针对摩托车发动机 油路结构特点,设计了一种新型的外接式切换油路系统以及自动 切换控制系统;

  • THE SWITCH FROM HANDICRAFT TO EARLY INDUSTRY IN MODERN CHINA & With Guangxi s Plant Oil Industry as an Example ( 1860-1949 );

    近代中国手工业的 转轨&以广西植物 制造业为例(1860~1949年)

  • Oil temperature variations effects axis force stability of switch valve system higher than that of proportional system and the oil temperature higher the force lower .

    结果表明,油温变化对 开关阀系统轴向压力的稳定性影响显著, 油温越高,轴向压力越低。

  • Cause analysis and countermeasures for controllable power source switch trip of the coal pulverizer oil station

    磨煤 机油站控制电源 开关跳闸原因分析及对策

  • By means of image recognition technology the signal lights of equipments the seven segment numerals pointer position switch position and liquid surface position of transformer oil can be recognized .

    采用图像识别技术可对设备信号灯、7段式数字、指针位置、 开关位置和变压器 液面位置进行识别,文章介绍了具体识别过程。

  • This paper present a real-time accurate algorithm for collision detection between hand and objects in aircraft cabin such as switch button oil handle and brake handle .

    该文针对飞机机舱内的可操纵物体: 开关、按钮、 油门杆、停车杆等,实现了一种实时精确的碰撞检测算法。

  • A new type of hydraulic control switch with circular adjustment for blocking water in oil well is developed .

    研制了一种新型液压控制可循环调 开关

  • By using this switch in oil pumping the liquid can passing through smoothly ;

    抽油井正常工作时, 开关能保证 液顺利通过;

  • According to the type of disconnection switch and the method of feeder automation the mathematic model of disconnection switch placement was built for distribution networks in the oil field .

    结合 油田配电网的分段开关类型和馈线自动化方式,给出了配电网 开关配置的数学模型。