


  • We introduce in detail the circuit current and voltage when the relay is switch-on and switch-off and make the software in DOS and WINDOWS .

    详细介绍了电机作为负载时继电器 闭合与分断时触点两端电压与回路电流情况,并研究了在电机 正常和堵 情况下的工作 时序

  • Design of Automatic Switch-on & Self-start-up of Power Load for Marine Axle Driven Electric Generator

    船舶轴带发电机自动 合闸及动力负荷自起动设计

  • Each part is discussed respectively . According to the feature of quasi-synchronization a mixed control strategy including fuzzy control algorithm in frequency and voltage and prediction control algorithm for switch-on is designed and implemented .

    根据准同期并列的特点提出并实现了模糊调频、调压控制算法和 合闸控制预测算法相结合的混合控制策略。

  • In cows for example the DNA switch-on occurs when the embryo reaches the eight-cell stage .

    例如:牛的胚胎在发育成 8个细胞的阶段时DNA 出现转换。

  • This paper designs one kind of full current switch-on and off switchgear with permanent magnetic mechanics and simulates the current transferring process .

    本文设计一种采用永磁机构 控制 移动 全电流 开关,并仿真了其全电流 时电流转移过程。

  • The control strategy and its realization are emphatically expounded and the main factors impacting the control accuracy such as the switch-on phase of tested device dispersivity of switch-on time and pre-breakdown characteristic are analyzed .

    重点阐述了 试验中的控制策略及其实现,并对试品 合闸相位、合闸时间分散性和预击穿特性等影响控制精度的主要因素进行了分析。

  • The main contents of this paper are : ( 1 ) shaping the signal output from photoelectric sensor and making level translator then switch-on the pin of DSP and measuring rotator speed accurately through the capture function of DSP .

    本文的关键技术主要有:(1)对光电传感器的输出信号进行整形、电平转换等,然后 接入DSP的捕获引脚,利用DSP的捕获功能准确测量转子转速;

  • Two major control algorithms fuzzy control algorithm of frequency and voltage and prediction control algorithm for switch-on are analyzed in detail .

    重点分析了 同期并列 过程 涉及的主要控制算法:模糊调频、调压控制算法和 合闸控制预测算法。

  • Flexible passive power filter design for eliminating harmonics is presented which is based on passive power filter and converse-paralleled thyristor as filter switch-on or switch-off .

    为了很好地消除电力系统中的谐波,提出了一种动态电力滤波器设计方案,它是在无源电力滤波器基础上,通过反并联晶闸管来 控制滤波支路的投

  • Furthermore to improve the power factor a novel design can considerably minimum THD of the AC input current by increasing the switch-on time near the zero-crossings of the line voltage .

    另外芯片内部还特别加入了一个优化电路,可以增大 功率 开关 在交流输入电压过零时的 时间,优化输入交流电流的THD,进一步改善功率因数。

  • Centrifugal test shows that switch-on threshold acceleration is 15 g_n while the contact resistance is 2 Ω .

    经离心测试, 开关 闭合阈值加速度为15gn,闭合电阻为2Ω;

  • This chip has the advantages of low power dissipation ( 10mW ) accurate protection control based on digital response delay time and integration of multi-functions such as leakage current / over-voltage / over-load detection and protection auto switch-on and so forth .

    与传统的漏电保护芯片相比,该设计功耗低(10mW),数字延时响应确保控制保护的精确性,且实现了多功能集成(如漏电/过压/过流的检测与保护,自动 切换)。

  • This paper makes a theoretical calculation on the overvoltage and surge current at switch-on of capacitors for reactive power compensation and simulates the transient voltage and current at switch-on of capacitors for reactive power compensation by using ATP-EMTP software .

    结合 实际 运行 变电站,对 其中的无功补偿电容器 合闸过电压、涌流进行了理论计算,并利用ATP-EMTP软件,对无功补偿电容器合闸过程中的电压、电流的暂态过程进行仿真。

  • At last the optimal switch-on / off time can be determined eventually by the proposed both Time-interval Control Method and Fuzzy Decision .

    用时段控制法和模糊决策法均能最终确定 变电站 变压器 运行 方式 改变的时机。

  • Conclusion The comfortable levels increase along with the time after switch-on . The difference between comfortable levels in test and comfortable levels in use are similar at the time of 6 months and 1 year after switch-on .

    结论随着 开机后时间的增加,舒适阈的 均值 随之增加,测试舒适阈 均值 实际使用舒适阈 均值之间的差值在开机后6个月和1年时接近。

  • The principle of eliminating switch-on resistance reducing switch-off leakage current and enhancing switchover speed is analyzed .

    具体分析了开关电路消除 电阻、减小关断漏电流、提高开关速度的原理。

  • Simulated Calculation of Overvoltage and Surge Current at Switch-on of Capacitor for Reactive Power Compensation

    无功补偿电容器 合闸过电压及涌流的仿真计算

  • The influences of oxygen impurity influx rate and confinement time on intensity and switch-on time of line emissions are surveyed numerically .

    用数值计算分别考察了氧杂质进入通量和约束时间对 线峰值强度和 起始时间的影响。

  • Besides switching at a fixed frequency for Flyback converters quasi-resonant mode is widely used due to its lower switch-on losses and better EMI performance .

    除了工作在固定的开关频率模式外,由于更小的 开通损耗和更好的EMI性能,准谐振工作模式在反激式变换器中得到较广泛的应用。

  • Protection of the switch-on of ammonia HP electric motor

    合成氨装置高压电动机 启动保护的 实现

  • The power loss caused due to the semiconductor switch-on cross voltage in this inverter is only half of the power loss in full bridge inverter .

    在这种逆变器中,由半导体 开关 压降产生的开关损耗仅为全桥结构逆变器的1/2。

  • In the realization of functions the guide blade adopts shutdown valve that integrates the functions of switch-on and switch-off valve and emergency switch-off valve into one without emergency valve .

    在功能实现上,导叶采用关断阀,该阀集开 停机阀和紧急停机阀功能于一体,不装事故配压阀。

  • Switch-On Control of Automatic Synchronization in Marine Power Station Based on PLC

    PLC控制的船舶电站准同期 并网 合闸控制

  • Feasibility of 500 kV Voltage step-up Station Line Breaker Remove Switch-on Resistance

    电厂500kV升压站线路断路器取消 合闸电阻可行性论证分析

  • A Fast Switch-on and - off Technique for an Active Voltage Quality Regulator

    一种串联电压质量调节器的快速 投入与切除技术

  • Presents the basic principle and function of the new generation of comprehensive electric protector as well as the whole process control of HP electric motor switch-on with it .

    介绍新一代综合保护器基本原理和功能,利用电气综合保护器,对高压 电动机 启动 实现全过程控制。

  • It is automatically passed neutral section through the control on up and down of armature current and the switch-on & off of main circuit breaker .

    通过控制 电枢电流的升、降和主断路器的分、 完成 机车自动过分相 过程

  • Not all towns can afford to bring in an internationally-known star so many switch-on ceremonies are handled by ex-TV talent show contestants .

    并不是所有的城镇都有实力引入国际知名巨星,许多 亮灯仪式由前电视才艺竞赛参赛者进行。