




  • But We do not think it had arrived the phase of swift and violent growth .

    但是,我们并不认为它已经到了 迅猛增长的阶段。

  • Our task is to challenge the UN to make a swift decision

    我们的任务是敦促联合国 快速做出决策。

  • Light and shade come in swift alternation ; Days and months flash by as quickly as a weaver 's shuttle . ; Light travels like an arrow and time like a shuttle .

    光阴似箭, 日月如梭

  • Political hopes for a swift and smooth transition to democracy have been dashed


  • Her husband is cautious never making a swift decision about anything .

    她丈夫十分谨慎,从不 草率作出任何决定。

  • They are swift agile and quick to attack and evade assailants .

    他们是 迅速,敏捷和快速攻击和回避行凶。

  • The motorboat cut across swift currents and skirted dangerous reefs .

    汽艇穿过 激流,绕过险滩。

  • Swift and resolute action leads to success ; self-doubt is a prelude to disaster .


  • The market reaction was swift .

    市场 迅速 做出了反应。

  • The police were swift to act .

    警方行动 迅速

  • He made a swift decision .


  • The current is swift . ; It 's a strong current .


  • He is swift with his judgments .

    他判断 迅速

  • He plunged into the swift current and rescued one child after another .

    他纵身跳进了 激流,救起了一个又一个孩子。

  • This problem calls for swift action from the government .

    这一问题需要政府 迅速行动。

  • With a swift movement Matthew Jerrold sat upright .

    马修·杰罗尔德 迅速坐直了。

  • Everything has been carefully planned and when we move into action it will be swift and very thorough .

    一切都已经被精心地设计好了,当我们采取行动的时候,它将是 迅速的和十分彻底的。

  • Now there 's a contrast with the panda ! The tiger is sleek ; the tiger is swift .

    这样,就有了一个和 熊猫的对照!

  • The buyer 's response to these problems must be swift and decisive .

    购买者必须 迅速果断地对这些问题做出反应。

  • Swift said the growing sophistication among biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund .


  • If the government does not yield it should face sufficient military force to ensure its certain and swift defeat .

    如果政府不让步,它就会面临重兵 围困必将 迅速落败。

  • He has a swift response to the emergency .

    他对突发事件反应 迅速

  • A brave fellow is as good as his words a swift horse needs no spurring .

    好汉一言, 快马一鞭。

  • The current is swift .

    水流 湍急

  • Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails .

    贼鸥是飞行速度很 的黑色鸟类,尾部长而分叉。

  • The guard 's retaliation was swift and brutal .

    狱警们 迅速而残忍地采取了报复。

  • The flood roared on swift and violent .

    水势 迅猛异常。

  • The operation is being seen as a swift riposte to the killing of a senior army commander .

    这次军事行动被看作是对一名高级军事指挥官被杀所作出的 迅速还击。

  • He is very sharp a quick thinker and swift with repartee

    他非常机敏,反应很快,并且 能说会道

  • A swift change had taken place on the earth for him .

    在他看来,地球上发生了 急骤的变化。