sure enough

[ʃʊr ɪˈnʌf][ʃuə iˈnʌf]


  • I looked again and sure enough it was gone .

    我回头一 的,如此宏伟的摩天大楼居然消失了。

  • He said he would come and sure enough he came .

    他说过要来, 果然,他来了。

  • He said he would come and sure enough he did .

    他说要来, 当真

  • I was in a shop when I saw a lady looking carefully at me . She 'd recognised me and sure enough she came across .

    我正在逛商店,突然看到一位女士在仔细地打量我。她认出了我, 果不其然,她走了过来。

  • And sure enough by-and-by he found it .


  • He said he 'd left the book on the desk and sure enough there it was .

    他说把书忘在书桌上了, 果然,它就在那儿。

  • I hadn 't been to my home town for twenty-five years but sure enough it still looks the same .

    我已有25年没有回家乡了,不过面貌 果然依旧。

  • Heavens ! He was in for it now sure enough .

    天哪,现在他 肯定不了关系了。

  • We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist . Sure enough it was delicious

    我们觉得英国糖蜜布丁太好吃了,令人无法抗拒。 的确 非常美味

  • I said it would rain and sure enough it did .

    我说会下雨, 果然如此

  • But not sure enough to give Dean what he really needed .

    但是我并 不够 确定是不是给了迪安他真正想要的。

  • And sure enough I found a few of them lurking on the peripheries .


  • Sure enough type sell now and you no longer get apple .

    果然,现在你输入“卖出”一 再也看不到苹果了。

  • I said he 'd forget and sure enough he did .

    我说他会忘记,他 果然 忘了。

  • You try it out and sure enough it works so you implement your application using it .

    您试了一下, 的确 可以正常工作,因此使用该服务实现了您的应用程序。

  • Sure enough there was no hurry .

    我们 确实不用赶了。

  • Sure enough soon I wash dirty socks were clean .


  • I thought she might phone and sure enough she did .

    我想她会打电话的, 果然,她打了。

  • And sure enough I found I had a few in my back pocket too .


  • His six sense told him that something was wrong and sure enough his car had been stolen .

    他的第六感官告诉他出意外事情了。 确实,他的汽车被盗了。

  • Sure enough he came out with all the news we wanted .


  • I thought it would rain and sure enough it did .

    我想会下雨, 果然

  • Sure enough what you said was right .


  • I was afraid I had done badly on my test and sure enough my grading was failing .

    我很担心我考试没有考好, 果不其然,我没有及格。

  • I said it would be and sure enough it is .


  • Sure enough it' s1.All right so now I 'm feeling better .

    的,是1, 了,现在我觉得好多了。

  • He said he would come with his wife and sure enough he did .

    他说他会带着妻子一起来的, 果然他们来了。

  • I wanted him to want equity and sure enough he did .

    我希望他 向我要股权,结果他 果然这么做了。

  • When we click Search sure enough we get the matching results .

    当我们点击搜索,我们 肯定会得到匹配结果。