




  • The bay-crown 's shade Beloved I surmise .

    爱,我 猜度月桂冠的浓荫。

  • Some townspeople surmise it 's the devil 's work based on claw marks on the victims .

    城里有些人 猜测这是魔鬼干的, 因为被害者 上的爪子印。

  • A very painful surmise arose concerning her character .

    对她的人格产生了一种令人难堪的 猜度

  • It did not quantify the damage leaving investors free to surmise the worst .

    该公司并未具体估量受打击程度,而是让投资者自行 推测最糟糕情形。

  • My surmise turned out to be right .

    我的 猜测最终证明是对的。

  • I can only surmise that this happened lust week .

    我只能 推测 此事 上星期发生的。

  • It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant 's poem in mind when doing this painting

    认为博斯在画这幅画时脑子里想着布兰特的诗,这仅仅是 猜测而已。

  • He surmised that he had discovered one of the illegal streets .


  • Then you will be in possession of what I surmise since that is what you wish to be told .

    这样,你就掌握了我所 推测 意义,那就是你希望了解的东西。

  • It is my surmise that William is involved in some illegal activity .


  • He was afraid she might surmise the truth .

    他担心她可能会 真相。

  • ` Mrs Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law ' said Heathcliff corroborating my surmise .

    希刺克厉夫太太是我的儿媳妇,希刺克厉夫说,证实了我的 猜测

  • I can only surmise that JBoss is concerning itself with increasing its niche platform portfolio .

    我只能 猜测JBoss正在考虑增加它的小平台产品数量。

  • It turned out that my surmise was correct .

    结果表明我的 推测 没有错。

  • I think I am right only this is pure surmise on my part .

    我想我是对的,只不过这纯属我的 臆测

  • Instead we can surmise that Dumbledore knew that Hagrid might slip and used this to his advantage .

    相反,我们可以 推测邓布利多知道海格可能失言,并利用了这一点而对他有利。

  • Because of this he could not follow the arguments closely and he could only guess at and surmise the ideas wrapped up in such strange expressions .

    他无法紧跟讨论,只能猜测和 估计包裹在这些陌生词语中的意思。

  • His surmise proved correct .

    他的 猜测 后来证明是正确的。

  • Archaeologists are only able to surmise what these strange symbols might mean .

    考古学家只能 猜测这些奇怪符号的意思。

  • Now it is true that in the absence of omniscience we must trust our soul 's surmise ;

    确实,在没有全知的情况下,我们必须依靠自己灵魂的 猜想

  • We surmise that the delay is caused by some accident .

    我们 猜测这迟延是由某种意外所致。

  • Based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence .

    主要基于 猜测而不是足够的证据。

  • There 's so little to go on we can only surmise what happened

    几乎毫无凭据,我们只能 猜测发生了什么。

  • What imagination would have been irreverent enough to surmise that the same scorching stigma was on them both !

    谁能够竟然大不敬地 猜想 他俩 上会有着同样的灼热的耻辱烙印呢!

  • Archeologists still can only surmise as to the origin of Man .

    考古学家们对于人类的起源依然无法 推测

  • A wild surmise filled Robertson .

    罗伯逊的 头脑里充满着 胡乱 猜测

  • But only havoc can result from confusing a surmise with a proposition for which there is already evidence . I suspect that the well ? known complaint about Chinese food may based on such cultural confusion .

    但是,将 猜想与已有证据的假设混为一谈只能导致大混乱。我猜想人所共知的对中餐的抱怨可能就是基于这种文化上的混乱。

  • She had a guilty look which immediately roused surmise in his mind .

    她那做贼心虚的神色马上引起了他的 猜测