


  • Music teachers also put forward their ideas and suggestions to sustainable development of new curriculum reform .

    音乐教师也给新课改的 健康发展提出了自己的看法和意见。

  • Sustainable development of society and environment is closely related to human culture .

    社会和环境 可持续发展与人类文化有着密切的关系。

  • Executives said the app-store model degrades the quality of games and isn 't sustainable .

    高管们指责苹果商店模式会降低游戏的质量,并且不是 可持续的。

  • We therefore reaffirm our support for sustainable infrastructure development in Africa .

    为此,我们重申对非洲基础设施 可持续发展的支持。

  • The sustainable development for leisure agriculture should be established on the basis of ecology economics and society .

    休闲农业的 可持续发展必须建构在「生态、经济和社会」三生的基础上。

  • The creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical to the long-term future of London .

    建立一套高效 稳定的交通体系对伦敦的长远发展意义重大。

  • The sustainable development of agriculture is the basic guarantee and top priority area to China 's sustainable development .

    农业的 可持续发展是中国可持续发展的根本保证和优先领域。

  • Beijing communique on new and emerging technologies and sustainable development : science-business partnerships ;

    关于新兴技术与 可持续发展:科学与商业伙伴关系的北京公报;

  • Try to buy wood that you know has come from a sustainable source .

    尽量购买来自 可持续发展林的木材。

  • The interaction of market and division of labor promotes sustainable development of human society .

    市场与分工交互促动,促进了人类社会的 不断发展。

  • Sound public finances are a decisive component of economic stability and sustainable global growth .

    健全的公共财政,是经济稳定和全球 持续增长的一个决定性因素。

  • Development and use of green building materials for construction and sustainable development of the environment is particularly important .

    开发和使用绿色建材用于建筑和环境的 可持续发展尤为重要。

  • Network for cooperation in integrated water resources management for sustainable development in Latin America and the caribbean ;

    拉丁美洲和加勒比 可持续发展综合水资源管理合作网;

  • He did however say that the two countries share a common interest in delivering sustainable growth that will help rebalance the global economy .

    他表示两国之间存在推动世界经济平衡 发展方面存在诸多的共识。

  • This in turn can contribute to poverty alleviation and sustainable national development .

    而这又可以促进减贫和 可持续的国家发展。

  • Using the humanities tourism resources and developing cultural tourism is an effective way for sustainable development of tourism .

    开发和利用人文旅游资源,发展文化旅游是实现旅游 可持续发展的有效途径。

  • Third staff development environment to create sustainable development .

    第三、为员工创造 可持续发展的发展环境。

  • The early ratification and implementation of this Protocol can assist forest conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity .

    早日批准和实施该议定书可以支持森林保护和生物多样性的 可持续利用。

  • This is why the focus now is on sustainable development .

    所以我们现在的焦点放到了 可持续发展。

  • We will work hard to transform the economic development pattern restructure the economy and set out on a path of balanced and sustainable development .

    中国将继续致力于转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,走出一条均衡和 可持续的发展道路。

  • Planning and construction of industrial parks play a crucial role in a city 's sustainable development .

    工业园区的规划建设对城市的 可持续发展起到了至关重要的作用。

  • This helps in achieving a sustainable pace of work .

    这有助于实现 可持续的工作步调。

  • The development of water efficient and ecological farming technologies has enhanced the sustainable development capacity of agriculture .

    通过节水农业、生态农业等技术的研究开发,增强了农业 可持续发展能力。

  • This is a once-in-generation opportunity to steer the world in a more sustainable and equitable direction .

    这是这代人引导世界走上更 可持续和更公平道路的难得的一次机会。

  • China 's Rural Human Resources Development and Sustainable Agricultural Development

    我国农村人力资源开发与农业 可持续发展

  • Science and technology hold the key to China 's economic prosperity and sustainable development .

    中国经济的振兴和 可持续发展,根本靠科技。

  • We need a new ' sustainable development economics ' with governments promoting new types of investments .

    我们需要一个新的 可持续发展经济模式,政府要促进新的投资类型。

  • That makes it difficult to contemplate the idea that the present policy may not be sustainable .

    那让人难以认真思考这个可能,即目前的政策也许并不能 持续 下去