


  • This is a target which is surely within the realm of possibility .

    这是一个 完全有可能实现的目标。

  • He is sure to come . ; He will surely come .


  • Surely nobody would suggest turning him out of the house


  • This achievement is surely unprecedented .

    这成就 确实是空前的。

  • Surely the fetus has a right to life ?

    胎儿 确实有生命权吗?

  • I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage but surely this is true of many couples

    我同意婚姻里可能已经没有了浪漫这一说法,而且很多夫妻都 的确如此。

  • You 're an intelligent woman surely you realize by now that I 'm helping you

    你是个聪明的女人, 想必你现在明白了我是在帮你。

  • They will surely succeed .

    他们 准能成功。

  • It was a joke of course but surely a rum sort of joke ?

    当然是个玩笑,但是这个玩笑也 奇怪了吧?

  • But surely this puts a different complexion on things .

    但是这 肯定让局势有了变化。

  • He 's recovering slowly but surely .

    他的身体恢复缓慢,但 确实是在恢复。

  • A newspaper half jested : Had alcohol not already killed him this would surely drive him to drink .

    一份报纸半开玩笑地写道:要不是喝酒已经要了他的命,这 肯定 让他想要喝上一杯。

  • She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had .

    毫无 疑问她是我们拥有的最为出众的王后。

  • It 's great to have you back . Congratulations are surely in order !

    你回来真是太好了,就等着向你 道贺呢!

  • If I can accept this situation surely you can .

    如果我能接受这种情况,你 当然也能。

  • Herbert would surely advise her how to approach the bank

    赫伯特 一定 就如何与银行接洽向她提供意见。

  • He knew that under the surgeon 's knife he would surely die

    他知道他 必定 死在外科医生刀下。

  • Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him

    虽然过程缓慢,但她 无疑开始爱上他了。

  • Surely there 's a word missing here .

    这里 肯定少了一个字。

  • He is an artist just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one .


  • Surely he 'll succeed .


  • Surely you need some help with so much work .

    这么些活儿,得有个人 帮帮

  • You surely haven 't forgotten Dr Walters ?


  • The board of directors must surely have been in Johnstone 's pocket .

    董事会 肯定已被约翰斯通掌控了。

  • Surely we 'll profit from your work .

    我们 肯定会从你的工作中得到益处。

  • The government will surely use the diplomatic channels available

    政府 肯定 利用各种现有的外交渠道。

  • Surely my existence cannot be so purposeless ?


  • Surely he 'll come tomorrow .


  • ' Surely there 's something we can do ? ' interjected Palin

    “我们 一定可以做点儿什么吧?”佩林突然插话道。