


  • I should not be surprised about some of her comments bearing in mind the party she belongs to .

    想到她所属的那个党派,我对她的一些评论并不感到 惊讶

  • This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet

    这位女士对发生在自己宠物身上的事 感到 非常 惊讶

  • She was surprised that he had no words of blame or accusation for her .


  • I 'm really not a bit surprised

    我真的一点儿也不 觉得 惊讶

  • These stories surprised and moved me

    这些故事 吃惊,也 我感动。

  • Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty

    张看到偌大的客厅里空无一人,似乎 惊讶

  • Nobody should be surprised by this . It 's been in the works for some time .

    不应该有人 对此 感到 惊奇,这事已经张罗了有一阵子了。

  • He whistled surprised but not shocked

    他吹了声口哨, 惊讶但没有被吓住。

  • This is nothing to be surprised at .

    这是 不足为奇的。

  • I am not surprised that the Booker Prize jury included it on their shortlist .


  • Many were surprised to see him exposed like this in the midst of a large crowd

    许多人看到他像这样暴露在一大群人中间都 非常 吃惊

  • He was surprised they had married — they had seemed so different

    他俩居然结婚了——这 他非常 惊讶,因为他们实在是太不一样了。

  • My voice surprised me ; it was even and emotionless .

    我的声音听起来心平气和、不露一丝感情,这 我自己 颇感 惊讶

  • ' I don 't agree ' she said surprised at the strength in her own voice

    “我不同意,”她说道, 自己的声音 如此响亮有力而 感到 惊讶

  • Her familiarity with Japanese surprised me .

    她对日语的熟谙 使惊奇

  • I would be surprised actually if he left Birmingham .

    如果他要离开伯明翰,说真的,我会 惊讶

  • She gazed up at him blinking once or twice apparently surprised at his cleverness .

    她抬头注视着他,偶尔才眨一下眼睛,显然 他的聪明才智颇为 惊讶

  • I shouldn 't be surprised if he cropped up this evening .

    如果他今晚突然出现,我并不感到 惊讶

  • He was surprised that his answer should have caused such a strong reaction .

    他很 惊讶自己的回答会引起如此强烈的反响。

  • I am surprised by the fuss she 's making . It 's not as if my personality has changed .

    她的大惊小怪令我 吃惊。显然不是我的个性改变了。

  • Reading the ideas of the so-called experts I am not surprised the country is in such a state .

    读了这些所谓的专家的想法后,我对于该国的这种现状一点也不 感到 奇怪了。

  • The news greatly surprised us .

    这消息使我们 非常 惊异

  • She was hitting on me and I was surprised and flattered .

    她在挑逗我,这 我感到 惊讶又受宠若惊。

  • I 'm not surprised that your studies are suffering

    你的功课变得越来 ,我并不 感到 奇怪

  • He was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned and everything arranged in perfect order .

    惊奇 发现房间被彻底打扫了,一切都布置得井井有条。

  • I 'm not really surprised

    我其实并不 惊讶

  • German politics surprised and confused him .

    德国政治 惊讶,又让他困惑不解。

  • A spokesman for UNHCR said he was surprised and disappointed by the decision .

    联合国难民署的一位发言人说他对这一决定 震惊又失望。

  • She had been surprised at how amiable and polite he had seemed .

    看到他如此和蔼可亲、彬彬有礼,她非常 惊讶

  • I was a little surprised when she consented .

    我有点儿 吃惊竟然同意了。