surplus energy

[ˈsɚpləs ˈɛnədʒi][ˈsə:pləs ˈenədʒi]

[电] 剩余电能

  • Release surplus energy or emotion from being restrained

    宣泄被压抑的 过剩 精力或情感

  • Fresh mint cool release surplus energy to make your lasting fresh breath .

    清爽薄荷香,释放出 超爽 能量,令您口气持久清新。

  • Creativity is being strangled by financial pressures . Release surplus energy or emotion from being restrained

    创造力被经济上的重重压力抑制住了。宣泄被压抑的 过剩 精力或情感

  • Design and application of heating with slag surplus energy

    高炉炉渣 余热采暖的设计与应用

  • Using surplus energy boiler in active carbon production line that can not only reduce environmental pollution but also save a great quantity of energy possesses considerable economic benefits .

    在活性炭生产线上使用 余热锅炉,既可减少环境污染,又可节省大量能源,具有可观的经济效益。

  • The energy equilibrium method is often used to design hot pipe surplus energy boiler .

    在设计热管式 余热锅炉时,我们常常采用能量平衡的方法。

  • Because cluster head node has to forwarding the data of other sensor nodes cluster head node should have more energy and sensor node which has low energy is unfit to be cluster head so we should consider in the surplus energy of the sensor node .

    因为簇头节点要转发其他簇内节点的数据,簇头节点要有较多的能量,所以能量低的传感器节点不适合做簇头,因此还要综合考虑簇内传感器节点的 剩余 能量

  • Stove dust content is high and reaches the surplus energy of 20.97 % not to be used and the heat is lost very greatly .

    炉尘含量高,高达 20.97%的余热未被利用,热损失大。

  • When the strain energy reaches its limit energy storage in one point the surplus energy will be released and produce plastic deformation or rock fracture and the remaining energy will shift into the deeper part of the rock .

    指出围岩的能量达到该点的极限储存能时, 多余 能量将释放,造成塑性变形或破碎,并自动向深部转移。

  • We should devote our surplus energy after work chiefly to study and should make study a habit .

    应当把工作以外的 剩余 精力主要放在学习上,养成学习的习惯。

  • Now many of our comrades do not make arduous efforts and some comrades devote their surplus energy after work chiefly to playing cards and mahjong and to dancing and this I think is bad .

    我们现在许多同志不下苦功,有些同志把工作以外的 剩余 精力主要放在打纸牌、打麻将、跳舞这些方面,我看不好。

  • The kids were running around crazily working off their surplus energy .

    孩子们到处疯跑消耗 过剩 精力

  • The calculation formula of hot pipe surplus energy boiler efficiency is presented .

    本文给出了热管式 余热锅炉皔效率的计算表达式,采用皔效率为 约束 能量平衡方法设计热管式余热锅炉,达到优化设计的目的。

  • The vacuum slack flow resulted from surplus energy in large downhill section of liquid pipelines will cause water hammer oscillation cavitation vapor liquid mixture and increase the intermixture of batching transportation .

    大落差线路存在 剩余 能量是产生不满流的根本原因,它可能引发水击、振动、气蚀、产生气液混合物以及增大多种液体顺序输送时的混输量等一系列问题。

  • In the process of routing WMSNRR fully consider the relaying rate and the surplus energy of two-hop node .

    该协议在路由选择时,充分考虑两跳节点的转播速率及 剩余 能量等信息。

  • In many practical applications there often exist temporary nodes that join the network to complete some specific task . When they disconnect from the network there are relatively abundant surplus of energy which has not yet been used .

    由于实际应用中,网络内经常会出现短暂存在的节点,在完成应急性的任务后,还有相对丰富的 富余 能量尚未用完,我们称这种节点为临时节点。

  • Strategies for Handling Initial Surplus Energy of Three-axis Stabilized Geostationary Satellites

    同步三轴卫星初期 能源 过剩预案处理策略

  • The study and practice to re-utilize of drainage water and surplus energy from boiler are introduced .

    介绍了对锅炉排污水及 余热再利用的研究和实践。

  • Besides there was so much to be done and there were so few people to do what needed being done that their surplus energy was entirely exhausted by the chores of every-day life .

    另外,那里,有如此之多的事情要去做,做这些事的人又如此地少,这个时期的人们总是处于日常生活的 精疲力竭之中。

  • It seems that not all fat is simply a depot for the accumulation of surplus energy .

    并非所有脂肪都是 剩余 能量的积蓄。

  • Unlike more recognizable white fat which stores surplus energy brown fat burns energy to generate heat .

    与已被更多了解的储存 过剩 能量的白色脂肪不同,棕色脂肪通过消耗能量而散发热量。

  • Surplus energy index for analysing rock burst proneness

    用于分析岩爆倾向性的 剩余 能量指数

  • The Most Modern City with Solar Energy in Europe & Solar energy residential building program with surplus energy the in Freiberg Germany

    欧洲最现代化的太阳能城& 能量 盈余的德国弗莱堡太阳能住宅工程

  • Any surplus energy is used to charge a built-in lithium ion rechargeable battery pack for use later .

    所有 剩余 ,都用于向一个内置的锂离子电池组充电,以备未来使用。

  • Application of Surplus Energy Boiler in Active Carbon Production Line


  • Research of multi-path route in Ad hoc based on node position and surplus energy

    基于节点位置与 剩余 电池 的adhoc网络多路路由研究

  • The new method selects the optional part of the task in light of priority of energy density offline which can optimize system performance . By the dynamic reclaiming algorithm the system performance is further improved at run-time with surplus energy .

    该算法在离线阶段根据能量密度的优先级来选择要执行的任务的可选部分,达到静态性能最优;运行阶段通过动态资源回收,利用 节余 能量进一步提高系统性能。

  • In the proposed scheme node calculates its re-broadcasting probability for each of its neighbors based on its distances with neighbors node density and surplus energy which are acquired through exchanging Hello message periodically with neighbors .

    算法中,每个节点周期性地发送Hello信息以获取它与周围节点的距离、本地节点密度和 剩余 能量等信息并以此计算它对于来自邻居节点广播包的转发概率。

  • Based on the experiment of NiMH battery investigations on characteristics of discharging and charging of NiMH battery and analysis of influencing factor of NiMH battery an approach of Ah-OCU has been built to estimate an accurate surplus energy and State of Charge of NiMH batteries .

    在蓄电池试验的基础上,分析和研究了Ni-MH蓄电池充放电特性及其影响因素,建立了用安时开路电压算法(AhOCU法)预测蓄电池的 剩余 能量和荷电状态计算模型。