


  • We 're adding a lot of experience and a lot of know how to our backcourt today in signing Bobby Sura and Charlie Ward .

    今天 通过 鲍比·苏拉 查理·沃德的签约 使 火箭 的后场人选增加了有丰富经验和 技能 选手

  • Assuming Dikembe at $ 1.8 million signing Carl Landry and waiving Bob Sura the Rockets would be $ 2.8 over the luxury tax line .

    假如穆托姆伯要花180万,再加上签卡尔-兰德里,放弃鲍勃 - 苏拉总共要超出奢侈税280万。

  • ATLANTA & Bob Sura thought he made history .

    (亚特兰大 消息 鲍勃·苏拉以为他创造了历史。

  • Of those Bob Sura has $ 1 million guaranteed Mike Harris about $ 50 . Naples with its immediate suburbs contains six hundred and twenty-five thousand inhabitants .

    其中 苏拉有100万的保障 合同,麦克 -哈里斯有5万。那不勒斯连同近郊,人口共计六十二万五千。

  • Study the purpose : Is it increase progressively load swim between sport and big mouse serum sura skin myocardium ROS MDA content and SOD GPX influence T-AOC of activation to probe into .

    研究目的:探讨递增负荷游泳运动对大鼠血清、 腓肠 、心肌ROS、MDA含量变化及SOD、GPX、T-AOC活性变化的影响。

  • Aim : To sura up the experiences applying three si - shi needles to treat femur throat fracture .

    目的:总结三 斯氏针 闭合 穿针 微创 治疗股骨颈骨折的经验。

  • A miracle healing of Bob Sura would help put some heart into this lily-livered outfit .

    如果 苏拉能够奇迹般地康复,那么这个懦弱的球队可能会更有斗心。

  • Of those Bob Sura has $ 1 million guaranteed Mike Harris about $ 50000 .

    其中 苏拉有100万的保障 合同,麦克 -哈里斯有5万。