survey method

[ˈsɜː(r)veɪ ˈmɛθəd][ˈsɜrˌveɪ ˈmeθəd]


  • Comparison between Digital Aerophotographical Camera and Traditional Aerophotographical Camera in Survey Method

    数字航摄仪与传统航摄仪 测量 方式的比较

  • The urban poverty-related mainstream survey method covertly contains a basic theoretical hypothesis : equal distribution of poverty in the family or equal grading of the consumption of basic living resources in the family .

    摘要城市贫困的主流 测量 方法暗含一个基本理论假定:“家庭内贫困分布均等”或者说“家庭内基本生活资源的消费等级均等”。

  • By means of survey method questionnaire interview and statistical methods the thesis studies the current situation of societal influencing factor cultivating the reserve basketball talents of the sports system in Liaoning province .

    运用 问卷 调查 、访谈法、数理统计法等,采取抽样调查手段对辽宁省体育系统青少年篮球运动员培养社会影响因素的现状进行调查研究。

  • The impact of achievement goal orientation on the effectiveness of entrepreneurial action was studied with the survey method .

    调查 基础上,本文研究了成就目标导向对创业行动效能的影响。

  • Construction survey method of integration of total station and AutoCAD software is introduced with construction practice in the paper .

    结合工程实例,介绍了全站仪与AutoCAD软件结合的施工 测量 方法

  • Totally 23 people tested in the eye movement survey method including 10 males 13 females .

    眼动 测量 实验人数共23人,其中男10人,女13人。

  • The matching of the late fabricated girder blocks with the early installed steel girder of the composite girder was surveyed by the calibrated steel tapes and multiple observation-set survey method .

    采用检定钢尺多测回 测量 对前期安装的结合段钢梁与后期工厂制作的钢梁进行匹配测量。

  • Our data is based on a survey method that utilizes standardized questionnaires .

    我们的数据是使用标准问卷 调查 方法得来的。

  • Multi-beam system components installation calibration survey method and data processing in the pipeline inspection are introduced .

    介绍了多波束的系统组成、 调查 方法和数据处理等内容。

  • And the patients were investigated by household survey method with structured questionnaires .

    调查采用结构式调查表,通过家庭入户 调查 方法研究农村肺结核病人的结核病知识知晓率及与规律治疗的关系。

  • Integrated Traffic Survey Method Studying Based on the Hand-held Survey Device

    基于手持式交通调查仪的交通 调查 方案研究

  • Application of Liaoning Province interview survey method to understand the relevance of college physical education .

    应用访谈 调查 了解辽宁省高校体育教学的相关情况。

  • Methods With the questionnaire survey method to investigate the sources of stress in work of clinical nurses .

    方法采用问卷 调查 ,对临床护士的工作压力源进行调查分析。

  • In the paper the investigation and survey method and the results for the section from Zhengzhou to Dancheng in the project of the transmission of natural gas from west to east are described .

    简要介绍了西气东输工程中水土腐蚀 勘测 方法,给出了郑州至郸城高桥段水土腐蚀性勘测结果。

  • An Approach of Signalized Intersection Delay Calculation Based on Floating Vehicles Data Survey Method

    基于浮动车数据 调查 方法的交叉口延误计算

  • Based on the multi analysis of the tradition methods of traffic survey and urban traffic plan the article brought forward one kind of new survey method .

    文章以交通 调查的选择为例说明了模糊聚类分析在规划过程中的具体应用,并分析了模糊聚类分析在交通规划其他方面的 应用

  • It is very important that choosing an appropriate survey method of harmonic resonance to guarantee the stabilizing and compatible operation of the micro-grid .

    微电网技术正受到越来越广泛的关注,为保证微电网的安全稳定运行,采用恰当的谐波谐振 检测 方法十分重要。

  • Using the questionnaire survey method interview method literature material method and so on the paper conducts investigation and studies on present situation of Jiangsu Province countryside sports .

    摘要采用问卷 调查、访谈、文献资料等 方法对江苏省农村体育的现状进行了调查研究。

  • Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane

    GB/T3768-1996声学声压 测定噪声源声功率级反射面上方采用包络测量表面的简易

  • Have studied about the multi-level market investigation method has solved the one-sidedness of the daily market survey method .

    对多层次市场调查法进行了研究,解决了常用市场 调查 方法的片面性。

  • Examining the influence of the sports factors on the step exponent of colleges students with the experiment method questionnaire survey method and Mathematical Statistics method .

    采用实验法、问卷 调查 和数理统计法,观察运动因素对大学生台阶指数的影响。

  • This paper discusses the improvement of method by introducing total station GPS and cross-dating technique to complement the traditional survey method .

    在传统 调查 方法中引入全站仪、GPS等精密仪器和交叉定年技术,对古树名木 调查方法进行了改进。

  • In this paper the layout principle of control network to survey topography of this dam site and concrete survey method are introduced .

    文中论述了该水库坝址 测量控制网布设的原则和具体 方法

  • Survey method and applicable effect are introduced and factors having effect on positive precision of remote sensing interpretation are analyzed and existing problems are summarized and relevant measures are proposed as well .

    介绍了 调查 方法和应用效果,分析了影响遥感判读正判率的因素,总结了存在的问题,提出了解决的办法。

  • In this paper a new method of saturation flow and signal control delay survey is presented base on the analysis of saturation flow signal control delay and their traditional survey method .

    在研究分析信控延误与饱和流量的常用 观测分析 方法的基础上,提出了信控交叉口评价指标、设计参数综合观测、统计、分析的新方法。

  • The examination and statistic analyses on verticality of cage guide and the result of practice indicates the survey method in this project is feasible .

    对罐道垂直度检查与统计分析,以及工程实际运行结果表明深井延伸施工 测量所采取的 测量 方法可行。

  • Taking working practice as explanation digital aerial survey method has of wide application foreground .

    以作业实践说明,数字 航测 地籍 测量具有广阔的应用前景。

  • Study on the Survey Method of Uncentered Lead of Mine

    矿山非对中导线 测量 方法研究

  • On base of consulting relevant data field survey was done using normal grassland survey method .

    在查阅相关资料的基础上,采用常规草地 调查 方法进行了实地调查。

  • This article take the Fujian Province two comprehensive University's306 university students as the object of study through the questionnaire survey method .

    以福建省两所综合性大学的306名大学生为对象,通过问卷 调查 方法研究大学生自我和谐的情况及其与应对方式的关系。