


  • Chelsea and West Ham in swop deal ?

    切尔西与西汉姆联 乾坤 挪移

  • Shall we try a swop ?

    咱们 交换 交换 吗?

  • Swop seats with him and you will be able to see the people onstage .

    你跟他 ,就 看得见台上的人了。

  • The other is delayed phase which is induced about twelve to seventy - two hours after pretreatment and is called second window of protection ( SWOP ) .

    另外一个阶段是延迟期预适应,它是在最初预刺激损伤出现后的12~72小时内发生的心肌保护现象,被命名为第二窗保护( SWOP)。

  • Will you two please swop ( or change ) seats ?

    请你们两位把座位 一下

  • On the day it happened the manager told me Blackburn were trying to arrange a swop but made it clear he wouldn 't agree to it revealed warnock .

    “在那发生的那一天,主教练告诉我布莱克本想得到我,但他很清楚的告诉我他不赞同。” 沃尔诺克透露。

  • Objective To investigate the role of oxygen free radicals as the trigger of the delayed myocardial preservation ( the second window of protection SWOP ) by ischemia preconditioning ( IP ) in immature myocardium .

    目的探讨氧自由基( OFRs)在缺血预处理(IP)对未成熟心肌延迟性保护(第二窗)机制中的作用。

  • SWOP : SWOP is the acronym for specifications for web offset publications . It is the ink colour standards used in North America for process colour printing .

    卷筒 柯色印刷品规格:英文是 字首字。是北美洲所用的四色彩印油墨的标准规格。

  • The answer has been staring us in the face all along-we 'll swop shifts .

    答案一直就在眼前&我们交换一下工作 班次