symbol trace

[ˈsɪmbəl tres][ˈsimbəl treis]

[计] 符号追踪

  • This algorithm can capture and trace the signal with the frequency shift larger than the symbol rate under low Eb / N0 when combining with proper frequency trace algorithm .

    该算法结合相应的频率 跟踪算法能够在低信噪比条件下实现多普勒频移远大于 符号速率的信号捕获与跟踪。

  • The course of their evolvement from symbol of language to the symbol of culture fully showed the trace of the forming the evolving of the cultural system in Dawer Nationality and the trace of mingling with other cultures coming form outside their community .

    这种由语言符号逐渐演化至文化 符号 历程充分地揭示了达斡尔族制度文化的形成、演化及其与外来文化交融的轨迹。