And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God .
并带上救恩的头盔,拿着 圣灵 的 宝剑,就是神之道。
The main characters in Sword Casting are not the rulers of eyebrow . The theme is not to praise the spirit against violent repression of ancient people .
《 铸剑》的主要人物不是眉间尺,主题亦非赞扬古代人的抗暴牺牲 精神。
Paul tells us put on salvation as your helmet and take the sword of the spirit which is the word of God .
保罗说:“并且要戴上救恩的头盔,拿起 圣灵 的 宝剑,就是神的道。”
Modern science and technology as a double-edged sword it has greatly enriched our material life but also bring about the crisis of the ecological balance and the spirit balance .
现代科学技术如一把双刃 剑,它极大地丰富了我们的物质生活,但也使人类惟一赖以生存 的地球面临着生态失衡的危机,伴随而来的是人类 精神生态的失衡。
美[sɔrd ʌv ði ˈspɪrɪt]英[sɔ:d ɔv ðə ˈspirit]