symbolic information

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən]


  • The media catalyzes the modern commercial buildings acting by the role of consumption activities . From the view of symbolic appreciation of beauty this dissertation positively incites both visual information and Propaganda strategy to make the image shaping of contemporary commercial architecture more expressively .

    当代商业建筑的媒介对消费活动具有推波助澜的作用,本文从 符号 审美的角度出发对 媒介的视觉拟像和宣传攻略两方面进行积极策动,使当代商业建筑的形象塑造更具表现力。

  • Reflection emit allows symbolic information to be defined for a dynamic module .

    反射发出允许为动态模块定义 符号 信息

  • The experimental results show that the module implements designing of a map symbol and symbolic expression function on geo-spatial information .

    最后,通过模块实现了点、线、面状地图符号的设计以及地图符号化的功能,实验结果表明该模块实现了地理空间 信息 符号 表达。

  • By using symbolic reasoning the main calculation for vision information is done at the compile time so that the run time vision task can be performed at real time .

    符号推理系统使得大量的视觉 信息处理工作得以在编译阶段进行,以保证在程序运行阶段视觉系统工作的实时性。

  • Second apply Symbolic Interaction Theory to strengthening education information transfer .

    第二,引入 符号互动理论,加强教育 信息传递。

  • Method is only associated with symbolic information and is not a metadata custom attribute .

    方法只与 符号 信息关联,不是元数据自定义属性。

  • Secondly the network system with symbolic information as an intermediary shortens the distance between people breaks the time and geographical boundaries but also spawns a new and integrated relational way of thinking in the era of network information .

    其次以 符号 信息为中介的网络系统,缩短了人与人之间的距离,冲破了时间、地域的界限,更衍生出一种新的网络信息时代综合关系型思维方式。

  • On Editors ' Checking on the Social Standards and Symbolic Codes of Information

    论编辑对 讯息的社会规范和 符号代码规范的把关

  • In this paper a new data fusion technology that uses symbolic neural networks to make sense information fusion computation is introduced .

    本文介绍一种把多个神经 网络 符号推理结合在一起(即 符号神经网络)用于移动式机器人多传感器数据溶合的新技术。

  • Symbolic time series analysis is a method which originating from symbolic dynamic theory and chaos time series analysis and information theory its essence is symbolizing time series .

    符号时间序列分析是从 符号动力学理论、混沌时间序列分析和 信息理论发展起来的一种分析方法。其实质是对时间序列值符号化。

  • Then the author pays interest on how OLAP enabled databases can be adapted to support symbolic modeling and used in customer order analysis and how modeling contributes to acquiring valuable information .

    接着,作者着眼于在客户订单分析中,OLAP如何支持 形式 模型以及怎样通过 形式 模型获得有用 信息

  • Symbolic value is the information value that is showed by merchandise .

    符号价值是商品的 信息价值。

  • At the same time Chinese characters as a symbolic transmission of information its hidden behind the deep cultural connotation through the image of character expression of more on the emotional and aesthetic charm .

    汉字作为一种 象形 符号传递 信息的同时,其背后还蕴藏着深厚的文化内涵,可以通过其图像性的外观表达更多的情感和审美上的意趣。

  • If you happen to call stat () on a symbolic link you 'll get back information about the file to which the link points .

    如果对 符号链接调用stat(),那么您将获取该链接所指向的文件的相关 信息

  • Symbolic Representation of Information and Fuzzy and Multi-valued Symbolic Measurement

    信息 符号表示与模糊、多值符号化测量

  • When selected displays a warning dialog box when you try to debug a program for which the debugger has no symbolic information .

    选定后,系统在尝试调试调试器没有其 符号 信息的程序时,显示警告对话框。

  • Meanwhile the symbolic execution records corresponding branch path information . It can not only be used to generate the corresponding test cases and also to locate the position of errors combined with constraint solver which helps to develop the high green indicator software .

    同时, 符号执行记录了对应的分支路径 信息利用信息不但能够较好的生成对应的测试用例,而且可以结合约束求解器快速定位错误位置,为开发出高绿色指标的软件提供保障。

  • Representation of Symbolic Information and Fuzzy Symbolic Measurement

    符号 信息表示与模糊符号化测量

  • This paper reviews the six symbolic events with special significance experienced over seven-year 's development of plant level supervisory information system ( SIS ) including unifying the concept of SIS constituting the standards of SIS and gaining some application experience and effects of SIS .

    回顾厂级监控 信息系统(SIS)发展的7a所经历的6个具有特别意义的 标志 事件。7a中统一了SIS概念,制订了SIS标准,取得了一些SIS应用经验和效果。

  • From the visual communication angle both of the symbolic property make the Naxi pictographs have the function of the information communicating and aesthetic vision . So the Naxi pictographs are dual carrier with information and aesthetics .

    这些 符号性质使得纳西象形文字在视觉传达中既起到了 信息传递的功能,也起到了视觉审美的功能,是信息和美学的双重载体。

  • Graphics disseminate information on the effectiveness of the two is effective coding specific information as a graphic symbol of the information is specific attachment and the media is symbolic of the media various media to disseminate information on the heterogeneity of the same structure with function .

    图形传达信息的有效性就是对两者进行有效的编码,作为图形信息具体化的符号是信息具体的依附,而媒介又是 符号的媒介,各种媒介在传达 信息上具有异质同构的功能。

  • At last the mapping data is obtained illustrated by the spatial geometric data and the related symbolic parameter satisfied information of GIS is produced .

    由此不断改写全局数据库,使之逐步趋近为具有一体化特征的矢量地理 信息,形成矢量智能化处理流程。在获取满足GIS要求数据的同时,获取用空间几何数据和相应 符号参数表示的制图数据。

  • Experiment introduces the concept of symbolic projection utilizing symbolic inference rule carry on heuristic searching based on the knowledge structure from image information .

    本文实验引入了符号影射的概念,利用 符号推理规则在由图像 信息导出的连通图知识结构上进行启发式A~搜索。

  • The symbolic dynamics especially that based on the sliding temporal window technique can describe the information of the system with the evolution of time in each parts of the brain more accurately and capture the abrupt changes in the signals .

    特别是时变的滑动窗口 符号熵较好地反映了系统内部各个部分随时间演绎而呈现不同的复杂性,有效地捕获信号中的瞬态奇异成分,更准确地刻画了系统的 信息

  • Their imagination originated from abstract geometric patterns with some symbol or certain symbolic information the architects put them into their figures which had noted visualization and emotional effects conveying a kind of mental feeling of super substantiality .

    他们的想象根源来自于抽象的几何形体、具象象征以及 符号 信息,建筑师将这些元素分布到具有显著视觉和情感指向的图像格局中,传递着超越物化实体的心灵感受。

  • Matlab symbolic computation approach in observability analysis of vision navigation information estimation

    视觉导航 信息可观性分析的Matlab SymbolicComputation方法

  • Logo design is the process of symbolic elements the article semiotics and information theory to support the theoretical basis to research the logo design as a visual symbol of the encoding and decoding process .

    标识设计的过程即元素的 符号 过程,文章以符号学与 信息论的理论基础为支撑,研究标识设计作为视觉符号的编码与解码过程。

  • As a symbolic of information transmitting photography have an absolute advantage in objectivity perception authenticity etc. On the other hand the graphics are a sensible simple and concise visual language that is a strong intuition and initiative .

    作为 平面设计中传递 信息 符号,影像具有客观性、感知性、真实性等无可厚非的优势,图形则是一种可感、单纯而又简练的视觉语言,有着强烈的直观性和主动性。

  • As an important symbolic system of the information dissemination advertisement has been more and more indispensable hosted by Television Media .

    广告作为一种传播 信息的重要 符号系统在电视传播媒介的承载下日益成为人们生活中的不可或缺。

  • According to the information theory we use equal-probability symbolic analysis method to compute mutual information and the delay time is established by the rule of minimum mutual information .

    根据信息论基本原理,利用等概率 符号分析方法计算RR间期时间序列的互 信息函数,由互信息极小原则确定出最佳延迟时间。