survival time

[sɚˈvaɪvəl taɪm][səˈvaivəl taim]


  • Settled more than infection and nutrition and immune three tests that will allow the survival time of patients with the extension of the life cycle of15-24 years ;

    解决了以上“感染”、“营养”与“免疫”三关,将使患者 生存 时间与生命周期延长15&24年;

  • Objective : To investigate the effect of different donor-recipient combinations of inbred mouse strains on cardiac allograft survival time .

    目的:在小鼠异位心脏移植模型中观察近交系小鼠不同品系的供受体组合对于移植心脏 生存 时间的影响。

  • Effects of Nrp1 ~ + T cells on the regulation of lymphocyte proliferation and survival time of allograft


  • Its memory cell survival time is longer .

    其记忆细胞 存活 时间则更长。

  • Survival time of Salmonella paratyphi A in oyster sold in the markets of Ningbo City

    甲型副伤寒沙门菌在宁波市售牡蛎中 存活 情况的研究

  • Therefore from the host cell the virus 's survival time is limited .

    所以,在脱离宿主细胞以后,病毒的 生存 时间是有限的。

  • Conclusions : Immunomodulation in septic rat can improve immune function alleviate the lymphocyte apoptosis of thymus and spleen and increase the survival time .

    结论:免疫调理可使脓毒症大鼠免疫功能提高,降低胸腺和脾脏淋巴细胞的凋亡率,提高脓毒症大鼠的 存活

  • Immunologic mechanisms of Shenqi Fuzheng injection prolonging survival time of tumor bearing rats

    参芪扶正注射液对荷瘤动物 生存 影响的免疫机制研究

  • ResultsJiedu Xiaoai Prescription could obviously inhibit the tumor weight of tumor-bearing mice and prolong the survival time .

    结果消癌解毒方能明显抑制实体瘤重,并延长荷瘤小鼠 存活 时间

  • General treatment may prolong patient survival time but not decrease the mortality .

    综合性治疗使患者的 生存 时间延长,但不能降低病死率。

  • The protective trial proved that there was no significant difference between control group and experimental group though the survival time of mice from experimental group had been prolonged .

    动物保护性实验表明,虽然与对照组相比免疫组小鼠 存活 时间有一定的延长,但差异无显著性。

  • Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the survival time pupation rate and eclosion rate for the Brontispa longissima in the situation in lack of food .

    研究了椰心叶甲的饥饿 耐受 时间,饥饿状态下的化蛹率和羽化率。

  • Moreover median survival time after confirmation of initial relapse was2.6 months .

    此外,在证实初期复发后平均 存活 时间为2.6个月。

  • Objective To investigate the impact and mechanisms of NBD-peptide on mouse heart allografts survival time .

    目的探讨NBD多肽对小鼠移植心脏 存活 时间的影响及机制。

  • Effects of seawater immersion in different temperatures on survival time of rats with open abdominal injury

    不同温度海水浸泡对腹部开放伤大鼠 生存 时间的影响

  • It 's certainly good for your spirit if not for your survival time to participate in one of these groups he said .

    “如果不是为了 延长 存活 时间,加入一个这样的小组对您的精神情绪肯定有好处。”他说。

  • Non-small cell lung cancer Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Survival time ;

    非小细胞肺癌;化疗;放疗; 生存

  • But the survival time of TACE group was more perduring than the untreated .

    引流术后,接受了TACE治疗的患者其 生存 明显超过未治疗组。

  • I think probably because a state of survival time under the flowing too Jingyi too silent would be disturbing disturbing emotions can breed a lot of lazy and decadent .

    我想,大概是因为一种 生存状态下的 时间流淌的太静宜了,太静了就会让人不安,不安的情绪会滋生许多的懒散与堕落。

  • Results The mediate survival time was4 to5 months of the cases with skeleton metastases from primary hepatic carcinoma .

    结果肝癌发生骨转移后的中位 生存 仅为4,5个月,放疗对骨转移瘤引起的疼痛有较好的缓解作用。

  • Conclusion : asarinin may play important roles in suppressing the immune rejection prolong the allografts survival time and protect the donor organ which was similar to csa .

    结论:细辛脂素可延长移植物 存活 时间并减轻病理形态的损伤,与csa有相似的免疫抑制作用。

  • Correlation analysis on survival time and quality of life in lung cancer patients

    肺癌病人 生存 时间与生存质量的相关分析

  • The inhibition effect on the H22 cells in vivo was evaluated by the survival time of tumor-bearing mice .

    以荷瘤小鼠 存活 时间为实验指标评价消癌解毒方对H22移植性腹水癌的抑制作用。

  • Factors Influencing the Progression-free Survival Time of Prostate Cancer Patients After Endocrine Therapy

    前列腺癌内分泌治疗后无进展 生存 的影响因素分析

  • Objective : To study the anticancer and antioxidative effect of selenium and survival time in mice with tumor .

    目的:研究硒对荷瘤小鼠的抗癌作用、抗氧化能力及 生存 的影响。

  • Survival time after sudden immersion at that time of year is one or two minutes .

    在那个时节,突然掉进海里只能够 存活两分钟。

  • Methods The operative blood loss incidence of complication cell immune function and survival time were compared between the Spleen-preserving Group and the Spleen Resection Group .

    方法比较保留脾脏与切除脾脏的胰体尾癌术式的手术出血量、并发症发生率、患者细胞免疫功能、 生存