surplus material

[ˈsɚpləs məˈtɪriəl][ˈsə:pləs məˈtiəriəl]


  • This cooperative surplus evolves from special benefits achieved by division and cooperation of material capital owner and non-material capital owner and the ownership of cooperative surplus determines the nature of firm .

    企业合作 剩余产生于 物质资本所有者和非物质资本所有者分工与协作所实现的特别利益,而且合作剩余的所有权归属决定企业的性质。

  • The difference between the surplus value and profit is whether the human capital brings the value added or the material capital ;

    剩余价值和利润的区别也就是把价值增殖看作是人力资本的产物还是 物质资本的产物;

  • The optimized cutting method is valuable for actual application due to its smaller surplus pipe and higher material utilization .

    它可大大减少焊管 剩余段长度,提高 材料利用率。

  • Comprehensive utilization of bamboo surplus material by processing

    竹加工 剩余 的综合利用

  • When surplus labor was directed to a material production system by capital its multiplication gave rise to modern society .

    资本力量使 剩余劳动投入到 物质生产体系中,不断增殖扩张而诞生现代社会。

  • A positive analysis has been made on surplus economy in China since 1993 . The Engel function has been presented on the income and material consumption of the inhabitants in coastal and inland areas also in towns and rural .

    对1993年起中国开始步入 过剩经济时代进行了实证分析;给出了沿海与内地城镇及农村居民 物质性消费与收入的恩格尔函数及其特征;

  • It introduces the reason of implementing fore - land - reclamation for follow - up project by utilizing surplus dredged material for the wood chip wharf of Rizhao Port and the main design conditions structural type construction method and effect analysis .

    介绍日照港木片码头利用 疏浚 土为后续工程提前造陆的起因,及预造陆工程的主要设计条件、结构型式、施工方法和效果分析。

  • New ways of surplus distribution management which ensure the correct handling of material benefits .

    改革 结余分配管理,正确处理了 物质利益关系等。

  • After 10 minutes the surplus material is washed away and any remaining deposit examined with ultra violet light .

    10分钟后 剩余 物质被冲洗掉,任何残留的沉淀物则会用紫外线进行检测。

  • In 2006 in view of the prominent problems such as the surplus of production capacity in some production material industries it is necessary to promote industrial structural adjustment to push the change of the ways of economic growth .

    2006年,针对部分生产 资料行业产能 过剩等突出问题,应积极推进产业结构调整,促进经济增长方式转变。

  • Suitable material and top soil surplus to the total requirements of the works and all unsuitable material shall unless the engineer directs otherwise be run to spoil in tips provided by the contractor .

    除非监理工程师另有指示,符合本工程总体要求的适用材料和表层土的 剩余部分和不适用 材料,应倒入承包商提供的垃圾倾倒车中。

  • In traditional societies all surplus labor was invested in the reproduction of the hierarchic social structure resulting in a subsistence-level social material production system and stagnancy in social development .

    传统社会将全部 剩余劳动投入等级制社会结构再生产,使社会 物质生产系统处于维持生存的状态,导致社会发展的停滞徘徊。

  • A new business system should be established which should recognize the fact that the human capital shares the ownership of the enterprise and the equal demanding rights of the surplus value with the material capital .

    新的企业制度应承认人力资本拥有企业所有权,和 资本依据资本额享有平等的 剩余索取权,并承担相应的风险。

  • And it further analysis that take CPA ′ s surplus wealth as the mortgage is the powerful material safeguard mechanism to realize the effective punishment .

    并进一步分析了以注册会计师的 私人财富为抵押,是实现有效惩罚强有力的 物质保障机制。