


  • In horizontal plane : on the section through the paracentral lobule when the angular gyrus and supramarginal gyrus appeared the simultaneity of the cingulated gyrus and parietooccipital sulcus appeared the cingulated sulcus and the marginal ramus disappeared .

    在横断面上:①经中央旁小叶的断面:扣带回和顶枕沟的出现,伴有扣带沟缘支的消失,是角回和 上回 出现 标志

  • The supramarginal gyrus appeared as soon as the lateral sulcus changed from Y shaped to - shaped and its appearing rate was 77 % on the left side and 83 % on the right one .

    外侧沟由Y 形变为&形时, 上回 完整显现,左侧77%、右侧83%。

  • Conclusion The linguistic center of auditory function in Chinese people coincides with the classic language center ie. is located at middle temporal gyrus superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus .

    结论 母语为汉语的正常人听觉性语言中枢与经典的语言中枢基本相符,即听觉性语言中枢定位于左侧颞中回、颞上回、 上回

  • Results Processing of real words and pseudowords activated a highly comparable neural network including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus ( IFG ) middle temporal gyrus fusiform gyrus lingual gyrus supramarginal gyrus and thalamus .

    结果真、假词的判断激活了相似的包括双侧额下回,颞中回,梭状回和舌回, 双侧 上回,丘脑 区域

  • The supramarginal gyrus appeared as soon as the lateral sulcus changed from Y shaped to - shaped .

    上回 辨认以外侧沟由Y 形变为&形作为 标志

  • Finally activation in left supramarginal gyrus was of a much larger volume for real words than for pseudo words suggesting a role of this region in the representation of phonological and / or semantic information of two-character Chinese words at the lexical level .

    真词在左 上回所引起的激活量显著多于假词,这意味着 缘上回起着中文双字词在词汇层面上的语音或者语义,或 两者 兼而有之的表征作用。

  • Processing of pseudo words and real words activated a highly comparable network of brain regions including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus superior middle temporal gyrus calcarine and lingual gyrus and left supramarginal gyrus .

    对真假词的判断激活了两侧额下回、颞上回、颞中回、距状回、舌回及左侧 上回 脑区。

  • Left postcentral gyrus left superior temporal gyrus left occipital lobe right superior temporal gyrus right ccipital lobe right precentral gyrus right postcentral gyrus right supramarginal gyrus right superior frontal gyrus and cingulum were activated in the left-side group .

    左侧组激活了左侧中央后回、左侧颞上回、左侧枕叶、右侧颞上回、右侧枕叶、右侧中央前回、右侧中央后回、右侧 上回、右侧额上回及扣带回。