


  • First-time licence holders have to work under supervision .

    首次取得许可证的人员必须在 监督之下工作。

  • Ensuring student supervision and school discipline ;

    确保学生得到 监督和学校纪律;

  • Bank of the enterprise external supervision and control force is constantly weakened .

    银行对企业的控制与外部 监督力被不断削弱。

  • The invading troops are pulling out of the occupied area under international supervision .

    入侵部队正在国际 监督下撤出占领区。

  • The financial Supervision and financial liberalization is a two-way interactive relationship .

    金融 监管和金融自由化是一种双向互动的关系。

  • The central authorities determine major policies and exercise supervision .

    中央的责任是提出大政方针和进行 监督

  • The methods and content of guidance and supervision over the franchise activities of the franchisee .

    对被特许人的经营活动进行指导、 监督的方式和内容。

  • At the same time supervision and guidance of this work should be strengthened .

    同时,要加强 管理和引导。

  • Based on the development and practice of construction supervision system in our country the article studies as how to strengthen construction quality control by construction supervision .

    文章结合我国工程建设 监理制的发展与实践,对工程建设监理中加强施工质量控制进行了探讨和研究。

  • With a broad range of engineering supervision and the entire project management experience and ability .

    具有丰富的工程 监理和全过程项目管理经验和能力。

  • Monitoring supervision and logistical support are essential .

    监测、 监督和后勤支援是必不可少的。

  • Such internal auditing shall be subject to the professional guidance and supervision of audit institutions .

    各部门、国有的金融机构和企业事业组织的内部审计,应当接受审计机关的业务指导和 监督

  • A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times

    刚学步的孩子时刻需要寸步不离的 照看,并要牢牢看紧。

  • The plan calls for a ceasefire and UN supervision of the country

    该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行 监督

  • We will strengthen auditing and supervision work .

    加强审计和 监察工作。

  • The president need not step down so long as the elections are held under international supervision .

    只要选举在国际 监督下进行,总统就不用下台。

  • The old man 's will was executed under the personal supervision of the lawyer .

    老人的遗嘱是在律师的亲自 监督下执行的。

  • Tighten the restraint on and supervision over the use of power .

    (八)加强对权力的制约和 监督

  • And then We put our suggestions about how to improve our new accounting law and accounting supervision .

    进而,就如何完善我国新《会计法》和会计 监督等提出了自己的建议。

  • To promulgate orders rules and regulations concerning financial supervision and control and business operation ;

    (五)发布有关金融 监督管理和业务的命令和规章;

  • He was placed under a two-year supervision order .

    他被处以两年的 监管

  • We ask the public to have their dogs neutered and keep them under close supervision .

    我们要求公众为自家的狗做绝育手术,并严格 看管

  • The arbitral property decides the inevitability of the judicial supervision .

    仲裁的性质决定了司法 监督的必然性。

  • Participate in the supervision and inspection of commodities and services by the relevant administrative departments ;

    (二)参与有关行政部门对商品和服务的 监督、检查;

  • Supervise survey work according to supervision contract and supervision code and review reexamination result report ;

    依据 监理合同和监理规范对测量工作进行监理,对复测成果报告进行审查。

  • First the financial crisis was spawned through deficient regulation and supervision .

    首先,管理和 监督不足孕育了此次金融危机。

  • Third bank regulation and supervision .

    第三,银行监管和 监督

  • We must perfect our financial legislative system and supervision system and keep a lookout on financial risks .

    加速完善我国金融立法体系和 金融 监管体系,防范金融风险;

  • More people will be doing the work with proper supervision and thus more safely .

    更多人将在适当的 监督下从事这项工作,因而会更安全。

  • We will strengthen financial supervision and control and forestall and defuse financial risks .

    加强和改进金融 监管,防范和化解金融风险。