system mistake

[ˈsɪstəm mɪˈstek][ˈsistəm misˈteik]


  • This paper studied K - NH + 4 ‖ Cl + NO - 3-H 2O aqueous salt system and corrected a mistake theory that pointed out there are four single salt solids in the system .

    对K+,NH+4‖Cl-,NO-3-H2O 体系进行 论证,指出此体系固相为四种单盐的说法是不正确的。

  • A controlled premature termination of processing activity in a computer system because of a mistake nonrecoverable error or malfunction .

    由于 事故、不可恢复的错误或故障,以一种受控制的方式提前结束计算机 系统内的处理活动。

  • That happened in part because of the shadow banking system and was a mistake .

    这个后不美观发生的部门原因是因为影子银行的 存在,而且是个 错误

  • Such system differs from the system of material mistake grossly unconscionable subject to certain conditions in China and has its own values .

    法律行为基础瑕疵制度与我国现行民法中的重大 误解 制度、显失公平 制度、附条件法律行为 制度存在区别,并且具有独立的价值基础。

  • The correct discrimination the mistake system and the misunderstanding system the mistake system and the error undertakes the mistake system and the risk undertakes make the mistake system to reform radically .

    正确区分错误制度与误解 制度错误制度与过失承担、错误制度与风险承担,使错误制度正本清源。

  • This system has realized automatic operation mistake prevention alarm and interlock protect functions and taken precautions against the boiler accidents .

    该仪表 系统实现了自动操作、 失误防护、报警及连锁保护等功能,对锅炉各类事故有积极的预防作用。

  • Beyond the basic datum analysis Fishbone Chart analysis the none-conformance Process Capability Analysis for the equipment Measurement Systems Analysis for the inspector measurement system and Mistake Proofing for human mistake were used in the analysis processes .

    在基础数据分析的前提下运用鱼刺图对不合格原因进行了分析;运用过程能力分析对设备进行了分析;运用防 理论对人为失误进行分析:运用测量系统分析对测量人员和 系统进行分析。

  • But the system of mistake declaration of intention also involves the trust interests of the opposite and transaction safety of both sides so how to realize the balance between private autonomy and deal reliance becomes a difficult problem .

    但在给予 错误 表意人以救济的同时又不能忽视相对方的利益保护,这直接关系到交易安全和交易效率,故如何实现私法自治与交易安全之间的平衡,成为一个难题。

  • In the system of generate operate order through select device from wiring diagram it divide operate regular into several layer according to importance the system not only prevent mistake of prime equipment operation but also guarantee exactness of second equipment from a certain degree .

    在点图 开票中按规则的重要程度分层表示操作规则,既防止一次设备 操作,又从一定程度上确保二次设备操作的正确性。

  • Ferroalloy enterprises at home and abroad however few have Testing System of detect a mistake for assistant materials therefore it is necessary to study the wrong material accessories plus detection methods to ensure product quality ferroalloys .

    然而国内外铁合金企业很少有辅料 料检测 系统,为此,有必要研究辅料加错料的检测方法来保证铁合金的产品质量。

  • The countries of the British and American law system adopt the principle of mistake duty but they have strong social security system to act as the applied protection .

    英美 法系国家 主张采用 过错责任的归责原则,但有发达的社会保险制度作为其配套的保障。

  • Chapter Two : focus on the legislation system on the problem of the risk taking and the theory system of this problem legal consequence of bearing risk and the difference between Risk Taking System and Common Mistake System .

    第2章主要讨论了风险承担问题的立法体例和理论框架、风险承担的法律后果以及风险承担 制度与共同 错误制度的区别。

  • In a planned economic system a single mistake in planning can flow through the entire system and lead to waste of resources .

    在一计划了的经济 系统,一 错误在计划方面能流过整个的系统和领引到废物资源。