


  • Going grey is not necessarily synonymous with growing old

    头发变白并不一定 等于变老了。

  • In the UK one small Scottish village has become synonymous with the act of eloping .

    在英国,一个小小的苏格兰村庄成了 私奔 名词。格雷特纳格林坐落 伦敦和爱丁堡之间的一条古老的公共马车线路旁。

  • The term is synonymous with old maid .

    这个 与老处女 同义

  • Price and quality are not synonymous as shown by medical care .

    价格和质量是不是 同义 ,如医疗证明。

  • Change and survival are synonymous .

    变革和生存 同义的。

  • Today Chris Brown and Rihanna are synonymous with the topic of domestic violence .

    今天,克里斯布朗和蕾哈娜的 名词,这个专题的家庭暴力。

  • Thus both photography and fashion are synonymous with artificiality and pure superficiality .

    所以摄影和时尚不管是人为理解还是表面来说都是 同义的。

  • Team success and individual success can be synonymous .

    团队成功和个人成功可以成为 同义

  • The word'annoyed'is more or less synonymous with'irritated ' .

    生气和“恼怒”两个词多少是 同义的。

  • I understood art to be synonymous with drawing well .

    当时我对艺术的理解 就是

  • His deeds had made his name synonymous with victory .

    他的英勇事迹使他的名字 了胜利的 名词

  • What disturbs me is that our society assumes a good life is synonymous with a good living .

    让我忧心的是,我们的社会认为好的生命与好的生活 同义

  • Unity and victory are synonymous .

    团结和胜利是 同义

  • There are also two other meta-levels : ALL ( synonymous with FINEST ) and OFF ( disables logging ) .

    还有两个其他的元级别:ALL(与FINEST 同义)和OFF(禁用日志)。

  • A routine and a stored procedure are synonymous in DB2 UDB .

    在DB2UDB中存储过程和例程是 同义的。

  • The machines and their products are ubiquitous and are synonymous with plastics for many people .

    这类机械和它们的产品普遍存在,对许多人来说与塑料是 同义的。

  • Patience is synonymous with forbearance and longsuffering .

    忍耐也 就是自制和能 吃苦 意思

  • Creation and communication are synonymous .

    创造与交流是 同义的。

  • In politics power and popularity are not synonymous .

    在政治上,权力和声望并非 相依

  • If your product or service is synonymous with value then you 're already ahead of the curve .

    如果您的产品或服务和价值是 同义 ,那么你已经抢占先机了。

  • Note : Air permeability and breathability are not synonymous .

    注意:空气渗透性和透气性是两个不同的 概念

  • With the interchangeable lenses they are distinctive and have become synonymous with the Porsche Design style .

    因其可以互换的镜片他们独具风格并且成为了 保时捷设计风格的最好诠释。

  • Paris has always been synonymous with elegance luxury and style

    巴黎一直是优雅、奢华和时尚的 名词

  • However conformance and compliance are not synonymous .

    然而,一致性和对法规的遵从性是不 同义的。

  • Has relationship become synonymous with sex ?

    男女关系已经变成了性的 同义 了吗?

  • SOAs are often confused with Web services but the two are not synonymous .

    人们常常将SOA与Web服务混为一谈,但是这两者不是 同义

  • Nowadays China and assertiveness have become practically synonymous .

    如今,中国与自信几乎成了 同义

  • But historically the two phrases are synonymous .

    但是,这两个短语从历史上看具有 相同 意义

  • In some classifications considered synonymous with Microtus .

    在一些分类中被认为是田鼠属的 同义