systemic heart

[sɪˈstɛmɪk hɑrt][sisˈtemik hɑ:t]


  • Lipo-PGE1 showed no significant effect on systemic circulation pressure and heart rate . Regitine showed significant effect on hemodynamics which decreased the pressure of systemic circulation and increase heart rate significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

    前列地尔对 循环压力和 心率影响不明显,而酚妥拉明使体循环压力下降,并明显加快心率(P均<0.01),对患者血流动力学影响较大。

  • The abnormal Carotid Intima-media Thickness ( IMT ) and Ankle-Brachial index ( ABI ) are the result of the atherosclerosis of carotid and peripheral arterial They are used to evaluate the extent of systemic atherosclerosis and significantly correlate with Coronary Heart Disease .

    目的颈动脉内-中膜厚度及踝-臂血压指数异常是颈动脉、下肢动脉粥样硬化的结果,均可反映 全身 动脉粥样硬化发生发展,并与 冠心病发生发展有一定相关性。

  • A comparison between PDE and Fick 's method in quantitating systemic and pulmonary blood flow of congenital heart diseases

    PDE与 Fick法测量先 心病 循环血流量的对比研究

  • Objective : To carry on multicentric clinical evaluation systemic unscrambling and normalization study of three parts massage treating insomnia with type of deficiency of both the heart and spleen and explore its therapeutic mechanism .

    目的:对三部推拿法治疗 心脾两虚型不寐进行多中心临床评价, 系统整理和规范化研究,并探讨其治疗机理。

  • Objective To investigate the value of systemic normothermic / cardiac hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) to the operation of congenital heart disease .

    目的探讨 全身常温、心脏局部低温体外循环(CPB)在先天性 心脏病直视手术治疗中的应用价值。

  • There were co-existing systemic diseases of different degree . Those of cardio-vascular system were hypertension coronary heart disease cardiac arrythmia ( 71.4 % );

    均并存有不同程度的 系统 疾病,心血管病:高血压、 冠心病、心律失常(71.4%);

  • Methods : The special nursing process which included various systemic inquiring and evaluation in patients with interventional heart operation before the operation was designed to evaluate the safety and attempt to improve the succeed rate of interventional heart operation .

    方法:护理程序包括 前对患者各 系统的综合评估及通过实施相应的护理措施以提高手术的安全性和成功率等。

  • First the analog circuit model of cardiovascular system is established including four heart chambers the systemic / pulmonary arteries capillaries veins and physiological control of heart rate and cardiac contractibility .

    首先建立心血管系统的电路仿真模型。模型包括心脏的4个腔室, 循环和肺循环中的动脉、毛细血管和静脉,以及 心率、心室收缩性和外周阻力的生理控制机制。

  • To describe the relationship between blood volume and the cardiac function mathematically a computer cardiovascular model was developed including a systemic circulation a heart and a pulmonary model and a blood volume feedback control .

    为研究血容量变化对 心脏泵血功能的影响,建立了包含一个血容量调节机制的心血管 系统的计算机模型。

  • Preliminary Study of the Relationship between Total Peripheral Resistance in Systemic Circulation and Apparent Viscosity in Patients with Heart Pump Failure

    心脏泵衰时 循环总阻力与表观粘度的相关性初探

  • Objective Recurrent heart events including acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) and sudden cardiac death ( SCD ) occurring in elderly patients with coronary heart disease and systemic hypertension is very dangerous . The relation between the clinical risk factors and recurrent heart events was studied .

    目的老年冠心病和 高血压患者再发急性心肌梗死(AMI)和心原性猝死(SCD)等 心脏事件的危险较大,我们研究这些患者的有关临床特征对再发 心脏事件的影响。

  • Assessment of Serum BNP VEGF and hsCRP on Congenital Systemic to Pulmonary Shunts Heart Disease with Pulmonary Hypertension

    血清BNP、VEGF及hsCRP对 肺分流性先天性 心脏病合并肺动脉高压的评估

  • A systemic examination is necessary in evaluating the state of the heart .

    在判定 心脏状况时,需要作 全身检查。

  • Systemic toxicity was evaluated with urine routine analysis including 11 indexes and Histology examination including heart liver spleen lung kidney urinary bladder and gall bladder evaluation .

    通过11项尿常规分析与 心脏,肝脏,脾脏,肺脏,肾脏,膀胱及胆囊的组织学检查评价了硝唑尼特的 系统毒性。

  • Two-dimensional real-time echocardiographic system A systemic examination is necessary in evaluating the state of the heart .

    双面实时超音波心脏动态检查系统在判定 心脏状况时,需要作 全身检查。

  • They have one main heart called the systemic heart and two smaller hearts located near their gills .

    它们有一个主心脏叫 系统 心脏,还有两个心脏要小点且位于腮附近。

  • This report shows that containing hysteria and preventing widespread panic is important not only to stop these incidents leading to a systemic bank crisis but also to prevent potentially thousands of heart disease deaths .

    这份报告显示,抑制歇斯底里、防范大范围恐慌很重要,这不仅有利于防止导致 系统 银行危机的事件,也有利于防止成千上万人死于 心脏病。

  • Systemic complications occurred frequently in liver kidney lung and heart . The ratio of hepatic lesion was 26.2 % which was in the highest ratio of systemic complications .

    并发症多累及肝、肾、肺、 等重要脏器,以肝功能损害发生率最高,为11例( 26.2%)。

  • Objective : To investigate the relationship between the long term outcomes of surgical treatment and preoperative pulmonary vascular resistance ( PVR ) or pulmonary to systemic flow ratio ( Qp / Qs ) in patients of congenital heart defects ( CHD ) with severe pulmonary hypertension ( PH ) .

    目的探讨先天性 心脏病(先心病)合并重度肺动脉高压者术前肺血管阻力(PVR)、肺 循环血流量比(QP/QS)与术后远期效果的关系。

  • The model contains left ventricle ( LV ) left atrium systemic circulation aortic valve and mitral valve ; it simulated the hemodynamics phenomena of left heart circulation .

    模型包括左心房、左心室、二尖瓣、动脉瓣和动脉 系统,实现了对左 循环 系统的血流动力学模拟。

  • Objective To determine effects of the therapeutic systemic hypothermia on heart and its safety .

    目的判断 全身亚低温治疗的 心脏效应及其临床使用的安全性。

  • Passive systemic anaphylaxis My heart supplies blood to my body and my body responses with hurts .

    被动 全身 过敏反应 供应血液给身体,身体却反过来伤害它。

  • Systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance index right and left ventricular stroke work index increased in PHC but heart rate decreased ( P < 0.05 ) .

    循环和肺循环阻力指数、左心室和右心室做功指数显著增加, 心率降低(P<005)。

  • Amyloid can be deposited at the local or systemic and the organ commonly involved are the kidney heart liver spleen gastrointestinal tract skin and other tissues .

    淀粉样物质可沉积于局部或 全身,主要累及肾、 、肝、脾、胃肠道、皮肤等组织。

  • And transposition of the great vessels ( so the pulmonary and systemic circulations each receive Blood from the wrong side of the heart ) .

    以及一些大血管的运送血液(如此肺循环和 循环会从 心脏错误的一边接受血液)。

  • Cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) is applied in open heart operation but can bring about systemic inflammation response ( SIR ) and even cause systemic inflammation response syndrome ( SIRS ) that may result in damage to important organs like the heart the lung and the kidneys .

    心脏直视手术需要应用体外循环技术,体外循环必然会引起全身炎症反应(SIR),严重时可出现以 、肺、肾等重要脏器功能损害为主要表现的 全身炎症反应综合症(SIRS)。

  • Conclusions FDP can protect gastro intestine and inhibit systemic inflammatory response in pediatric patients undergoing heart surgery during cardio-pulmonary bypass .

    结论FDP对小儿 心脏手术CPB期间胃肠道具有保护作用,并可抑制 全身炎性反应。

  • The results show that nimodipine can effectively decrease pulmonary hypertension pulmonary vascular resistance and the after-load of right ventricle increase cardiac output improve systemic circulation and alleviate the clinical symptoms of pulmonary heart disease .

    结果显示;尼莫地平能有效地降低肺动脉高压及肺血管阻力,减轻右心室的后负荷,增加心搏出量,改善 循环,缓解肺 心病的临床症状。