system performance

[ˈsɪstəm pɚˈfɔrməns][ˈsistəm pəˈfɔ:məns]


  • Compression is performed in software and might significantly affect system performance .

    压缩是以软体完成,对 系统的执行 成效影响显著。

  • Minimizing the inter-node communications can improve the system performance .

    尽量减少节点间通信可以提高 系统 性能

  • Monitor system performance to identify any system limitations including CPU memory disk and network limitations .

    监控 系统 性能识别系统限制,包括CPU、内存、磁盘和网络限制。

  • Lead system testing and evaluate and analyse system performance .

    领导系统测试,分析和评估 系统 性能

  • The influence of feedback delay of user channel information on the multi-user system performance is investigated .

    分析了多用户 系统在时变信道模型下用户信息反馈延时对 系统 性能造成的影响。

  • There are some variations in the workloads we used when we analyzed system performance .

    在分析 系统 性能时,我们使用的工作负载中存在一些变化因素。

  • Actively manage risk to balance competitive advantage and system performance .

    积极地管理风险,以在竞争优势和 系统 性能之间求得平衡。

  • The system performance of a HVDC link applying CCC technology is studied .

    论文对采用电容换相换流器的高压直流输电 系统 运行 特性进行了研究。

  • Finally the system performance evaluation and constant speed cruise simulation indicate that the system has good performance and practical engineering value .

    经对 系统 性能进行模拟评价,并对“恒速”巡航模式进行仿真,表明该系统具有良好的工作性能和工程实用价值。

  • Performance Toolbox for AIX ( PTX ): A comprehensive tool for monitoring and tuning system performance .

    PerformanceToolboxforAIX(PTX):用于监控和调优 系统 性能的综合性工具。

  • The improvements help minimize costly I / O and can deliver both faster database performance and faster system performance .

    这些改进有助于最大限度地降低I/O成本,并且可以提供更快的数据库性能和更快的 系统 性能

  • This helps improve system performance on large projects because you can load only the relevant information .

    这有助于在处理大型项目时提高 系统 性能,因为您可以仅加载相关的信息。

  • You need to establish system performance threshold both at the operations center and multiple data centers .

    在操作中心和多个数据中心都需要建立 系统 性能阈值。

  • Design production installation and System performance testing for smoke alarm system ;

    烟雾报警系统设计、安装、 检修功能试验。

  • The purpose of the buffer pool is to improve database system performance .

    缓冲池的用途是为了提高数据库 系统 性能

  • The system performance such as BER and the largest single-user data rate is analyzed .

    并数值分析了误码率及单用户最大数据速率等 系统 性能

  • Performance monitoring involves tracking key metrics of system performance .

    性能监控涉及到跟踪 系统 性能的关键指标。

  • This is important as provider bloat can lead to system performance degradation in the Wink system .

    这一点非常重要,提供者过多会导致Wink系统的 系统 性能降低。

  • This is a tool used to identify the presence and cause of system performance bottlenecks .

    这个工具用于识别 系统 性能瓶颈的所在以及产生原因。

  • However in several situations there is a requirement to drive wireless load to understand system performance characteristics .

    然而,在几种特定的情形下您可能需要驱动无线负荷,理解 系统 性能特性。

  • Finally through analyzing the system design process and the system performance has confirmed the ideas and methods put forward in the topic and it indicate the direction of farther researching .

    文章最后通过对原型 系统 整体 性能的分析,验证了课题中提出的思想和方法,并指明了进一步的研究方向。

  • This is a very important measurement for overall system performance .

    这个度量值对于评估总体 系统 性能非常重要。

  • System performance information tools that display paging space utilization pages in / out and other system statistics .

    这些 系统 性能信息工具可以显示分页空间利用率、页面换入/换出数量和其他系统统计数据。