

  • Systemically important institutions are not the same as too big to fail .

    具有 系统重要性的机构不同于太大而不能倒闭的机构。

  • This is not surprising since some of the vascular imaging is a direct indication of processes presumably occurring systemically .

    这并不令人惊讶,因为血管成像是 系统大概的发生过程的直接提示。

  • The old ambiguity disappeared and the protected Club of systemically important financial institutions widened .

    原有的模糊消失了,“ 系统重要性金融机构”这一受保护的俱乐部扩大了。

  • Lehman was the first global systemically important institution that was allowed to fail during the crisis .

    雷曼是危机期间第一个被允许破产的 具有 系统 重要性的全球机构,也是最后一个。

  • Should the SRR directly regulate systemically important financial institutions and if so how do you define them ?

    srr是否应该直接监管 具有 系统重要性的金融机构,如果是,你如何来界定它们?

  • Proposals include bank taxes the creation of systemic risk funds and capital surcharges for systemically important banks .

    这些提案包括,向银行征税、创建系统性风险基金、向 具有 系统重要性的银行收缴附加资本金。

  • The paper systemically analyzes the various forms of externalities of forest eco-products using the modern economics theory of externality .

    文章运用现代经济学的外部性理论 系统分析了森林生态产品外部性的表现形式。

  • Meanwhile the analytical methods of each components the releasing mechanism and the controlling techniques of DCS were also introduced systemically in this paper .

    的来源和化学组成做了详细的分析;并且 系统介绍了各组成成分的分析方法以及DCS的释放机理及其控制技术。

  • But a financial institution that is systemically important by definition risks more than its own money .

    但一家从定义上看 具有 系统重要性的金融机构,不仅是在拿自有资金冒险。

  • Other counterparties of banks and other systemically important financial institutions also benefit from implicit default guarantees .

    银行的其它对手方以及 具有 系统重要性的其他金融机构,也从隐性的违约担保中受益。

  • Fourth the effectiveness and intensity of supervision needs to be strengthened for banks in general and for systemically important institutions in particular .

    第四,需要普遍增强对银行监督的效果和强度,尤其是 具有 系统重要性的机构。

  • The structure of kimono sleeve is systemically researched summing-up its shape principle is summed up .

    系统解析了连身袖结构,总结了 连身袖结构的造型规律。

  • The Dodd-Frank bill gave us regulators the power to deem any institution systemically important .

    多德-弗兰克(dodd-frank)法案赋予了美国监管部门权力,可以将任何机构视为“ 具有 系统重要性”。

  • And important work is under way to establish and harmonize global systemically important financial institutions the so-called G-SIFIs .

    重要的工作正在进行以建立和协调全球 系统重要金融机构,所谓的G-SIFLs。

  • This paper studied the disassembling sieve in disassembly graph model systemically .

    系统 研究了构造拆卸图模型过程中的可拆卸性筛子。

  • More fundamentally we now know unambiguously that Goldman is a systemically important financial firm .

    更基本的事实是,现在我们明白无误地知道,高盛是一个 具有 系统重要性的金融公司。

  • Two methods i.e high-temperature calcinations and mechanically ball-milling for kaolinite activation are systemically investigated .

    实验 高温煅烧和机械球磨两种提高 高岭石反应活性的方法进行了研究。

  • Without them systemically important institutions will not operate with the correct incentives .

    没有它们, 具有 系统重要性的机构就不会在正确的激励下运营。

  • The paper analyses systemically incentive scheme of venture capital under equity-debt by applying principal-agent theory in the game theory .

    运用博弈论中委托-代理理论对股权- 债权的风险投资激励机制进行了 研究

  • The systemically relevant financial institutions should be identified .

    首先应确定 具有 系统 重要性的金融机构。

  • Mr Geithner favours what some call a systemic risk surcharge tougher requirements for the most systemically important firms .

    盖特纳赞成一些人所谓的系统性风险附加费,即对最具 系统重要性的企业提出更严格的要求。

  • So why not shift responsibility for all systemically relevant banks not just the cross-border banks to the EU ?

    那么,为何不把监管所有 具有 系统相关性的银行不只是跨境银行的责任移交给欧盟?

  • The grid security architecture and the grid credential management technology are described systemically in this paper .

    论文 系统 研究了网格安全体系结构和网格证书管理技术。

  • This paper systemically introduces the theory of the ontology and modeling .

    本论文 系统的介绍了本体理论和建模理论。

  • This paper systemically studies the design of PDA ( Personal Digital Assistant ) - based public transportation system and specifies functions and key techniques of every module .


  • I believe it should cover all systemically important financial institutions .

    我认为,它应该覆盖 系统 具有重要性的所有机构。

  • Northern Rock may have not been a systemically important institution .

    NorthernRock或许不是一家 具有 系统重要性的机构。

  • The lesson then taken was that no systemically important bank should fail one applied to the giant universal banks .

    当时的教训是任何 具有 系统重要性的银行都不应该破产这一点被应用到了全能型大银行身上。

  • The influences of excentrical vortex finder on the PVTM cyclone performance are studied systemically .

    系统 研究了排气管偏置对PV型旋风分离器效率及压降的影响。

  • Red flesh plum fruits as experimental material the anthocyanin accumulation and related factors were analyzed systemically .

    以红肉李果实为研究对象,对果实中花青苷积累规律及其影响因素进行 系统分析。