systems and procedures


  • Assures that quality systems and production procedures are followed and updated including the timely disposition of nonconforming material .

    确保质量 体系 生产 流程的执行和更新,包括对不合格材料的及时配置。

  • The third part analysis the basic principles of emergency management systems and procedures accordion to the study of society emergency management and the fact of schools .

    第三部分根据社会应急管理的研究和教育的实际,分析了学校安全应急管理的基本原则、 体系 步骤

  • For example lack of protection systems and procedures the administrative department of legislation is serious the breadth and depth of public participation needs to be strengthened in the legislation the interests of disadvantaged groups are often neglected .

    例如,利益博弈的过程缺乏 制度 程序上的保障,行政部门立法现象严重,公众参与立法的广度和深度有待加强,在立法中弱势群体的利益经常被忽视等等。

  • Are the systems and procedures for design verification and control formally documented maintained and controlled ?

    是否有文件化的设计确认和控制的 体系 程序,这些文件是否存档并受控?

  • According to the characteristics of Oil Products Marketing it is first necessary to create a complete operating systems and operational procedures so that each employee to follow everything ;

    根据成品油销售行业的特点,首先要制定完善的规章 制度 运营操作 规程,使每个员工凡事都有章可循;

  • Each activity within the Ford Group is responsible for reviewing its existing systems and procedures and for revising them in accordance with this Directive .

    每一项活动在福特小组负责审查其现有的 制度 程序,对修订文件依照本指令。

  • Economic concentration means the power that economic authority organizations manage and participate in economic activities and the systems and procedures that they enact to carry out these economic powers .

    经济集中,是指经济权威组织管理参与经济活动的权力以及为实现上述经济权力而制定的 制度 程序

  • Developing Systems and Procedures to Ensure that Work is Performed and Completed at the Appropriate Time ;

    制定 制度 程序,以保证工作是在适当的时间内执行和完成的;

  • And it is also necessary to set up a series of systems and procedures according to the conditions of children such as comprehensive saving and treating system protection system and so on .

    为落实儿童被害人保护,有必要在刑事司法 过程中针对儿童的情况设置综合救治 制度以及特殊的保护措施。

  • This paper focuses on a detailed interpretation of systems and procedures of Secret Protection in the Investigation of Civil Evidence and provides the path and methods of resolving the conflict between information disclosure and secret protection .

    本文集中就民事证据调查收集中的秘密保护 制度 程序做了详尽的阐释,为解决信息公开和秘密保护的冲突提供了解决的路径和方法。

  • Develops and implements changes / improvements to office systems and procedures .

    开发和实施办公室 系统 程序的变化及改善?

  • Assist the project manager to establish project management processes systems and procedures fully compliant with the contractual obligations .

    协助项目经理制定项目管理方法、 体制 程序,完全符合合同义务;

  • Based on the legal culture background and reality of our country the third part designs the legal systems and concrete procedures for our procuratorial organ to bring civil public good lawsuits .

    第三部分结合我国法律文化背景实际,设计解决我国检察机关提起民事公益诉讼问题的法律 制度 具体 程序

  • At the top was the famous hotline between the White House and the Kremlin but the systems and procedures went all the way down .

    其中规格最高的是著名的、白宫和克里姆林宫之间的热线电话,但各种 制度 程序也向下贯穿到整个基层。

  • You use application resources to automate user systems and use manual procedures that process the information .

    您利用应用程序资源将用户 系统自动化, 并且利用处理信息的手工 处理 过程

  • The risks will be identified and systems processes and procedures instituted to manage down these risks in a cost effective manner to levels that are as low as reasonably practicable .

    风险应当被鉴定,通过既定的 系统、过程 程序等在符合成本效益的基础上将风险降低到合理可行的最低水平。

  • Education policy decision-making mechanism is general of educational requirements based on the country formulation and implementation to lead all kinds ' education policies and systems and procedures by law or required forms .

    教育政策决策机制是一个国家依据特定的教育需求,引领各种各类具体教育政策制定和实施的,以法律或者规定的形式确定的 制度 程序的总称。

  • UT has further developed QA manuals and applied systems and procedures to ensure the quality of its DE products and services .

    为了保证远程教育的产品和服务质量,大学进一步制定了质量保证手册、应用 系统 过程

  • The legal system for the main contents of the static structure and dynamic structure of relationships and systems and procedures to ensure the sound operation between the realization of justice ; third part of procedural justice in the legal system and the embodiment of the operation .

    主要内容为法律制度的静态结构和动态结构关系以及 制度 程序之间的良性运行以保证正义的实现;第三部分为制度与程序正义在法律运行中的体现。

  • During the two years there I gradually understood that the restaurant bankruptcy was my fault because I had not established management structures done oversight or established financial systems and procedures he says .

    刘强东说:在那里的两年里,我逐渐明白,餐馆倒闭是我自己的错,因为我没有建立管理结构,没有进行监督,也没有建立财务 系统 流程

  • Mainly discusses the characteristics of the law run the macro and micro characteristics of the formation and legal operation of the nature of justice ; second part of the legal operation of justice systems and procedures .

    主要论述了法律运行的宏观特征和微观特征以及法律运行中形成的正义的性质;第二部分为法律运行中 制度 程序的正义。

  • Second to strengthen the production staff of new technologies and new methods of training . ( 2 ) to improve project quality management systems and procedures .

    其次,要加强生产人员的新技术、新方法的培训。(2)提高项目质量管理的 制度 程序

  • For matters that shall be subject to examination and approval authorization or archival filing the government departments shall make open the corresponding systems conditions and procedures .

    对需要审批、核准和备案的事项,政府部门必须公开相应的 制度、条件 程序

  • Developing Systems and Procedures for Effectively Working with Other People ;

    制定 制度 程序,以保证与他人一起有效地工作;

  • Developing Systems and Procedures to Ensure that Time Effort and Resources Are Allocated Efficiently ;

    制定 制度 程序,以保证时间、努力和资源能够得到有效的配置;

  • Developing Systems and Procedures for Efficiently Administering a Law Office .

    制定 制度 程序,以保证律师事务所的有效管理;

  • Firstly it is to propose the improving suggestion for the existing legislative base and its defects . Secondly it is to propose to systems and procedures of civil supervision prosecution civil litigation civil enforcement supervision and so forth .

    一是针对现有立法基础和缺陷提出完善建议;二是提出完善国有资产民事督促起诉、提起民事诉讼、民事执行监督等具体 制度 程序的设想。

  • When it is time for the Navy to update its systems and calibration procedures the MS30 group is responsible for evaluating replacement equipment .

    当美国海军要更新自己 系统 校准 规程的时候,MS30小组负责对设备的更换做出评估。

  • Revealing defects in the administrative technical and financial systems and proposing necessary remedial procedures ;

    揭露行政、技术及财务 制度上的不妥之处, 建议必要的补救 措施