system of recourse

[ˈsɪstəm ʌv ˈriˌkɔrs][ˈsistəm ɔv ˈri:ˌkɔ:s]

[法] 求偿制度

  • Similiter insurance subrogation system of recourse along with social advancement and insurance industry of shape inset subrogation system in insurance law and receive a continuous shape .

    同样,保险代位 求偿 制度随着社会的进步和保险业的发展,将代位制度镶嵌于保险法中,并得到不断的发展。

  • This kind subjectivity connotations system from foreign University Presidents career development history of foreign Mirroring local recourse falsifiable .

    这种主体性内涵 体系可从中外大学校长职业发展史的国外镜鉴与本土 追索中得到感知并证伪。

  • Design of Optimum of Urban Drainage System on Basis of Rainfall Recourse Use

    基于雨水 资源化利用的城市排水 系统优化设计

  • Focus on the training continually and set up the new system criterion the training system for the travel agent staffs to improve the service leave developing the market of the human recourse of the tourism and set up the market system of the human recourse development .

    改革完善旅行社从业人员资格认证体系,提高 持证人员的业务水平。大力培育和发展旅游人才市场,建立健全市场化的人才开发 机制

  • Results : The system dynamics model of national health recourse input and utilization was successfully constructed ;

    结果:构建了我国卫生 资源投入与利用的 系统动力学模型;

  • In the logic system of real right law effects of recourse are in an interrelationship and a relationship of mutual restriction with the principle of public summons and public faith the institution of bona fide acquisition and real rights as abstract theory .

    在物权法逻辑 体系 ,与 公示公信原则、善意取得制度以及物权行为无因理论互为依存、互相制约。

  • To discuss the entity system of administrative recourse .

    第三部分是对行政 追偿的实体 制度进行 研究