


  • We must try to systematize the way we do the account .

    我们必须力求 记帐方法 制度

  • Therefore to systematize right of claim is both of great significance in theory and in practice .

    因此,对请求权 冲突进行 系统研究,具有极为重要的理论和现实意义。

  • Theoretical development in management in administration in review history we can understand the administration environment is a research realm that a research concept that the administration management theories develops is scientific and systematize after stage the academic circles leads into gradually with value gradually .

    回顾行政管理理论的发展历史,我们可以了解到,行政环境是行政管理理论发展到科学 系统 阶段后,学术界逐步引入的一个研究概念和逐步重视起来的一个研究领域。

  • The relationship between learning and working of coaches was destroyed by the systematize learning ;

    制度 的学习,破坏了教练员学习与工作的 有机联系;

  • Further systematize and standardize the diagnosis and treatment of liver cirrhosis

    进一步重视肝硬化临床诊治工作的 系统 和规范性

  • The paper discuss Distribution center 's function in the Logistics network first and the analysis Distribution center 's level of structure that systematize with the .

    本文首先论述流通中心作为物流结点的一种在物流网络中的作用,并分析流通中心 系统 的层次和结构。

  • Based on the actual situation of HT group the author set off to do some systematize analysis and study in this dissertation by using the theory of investment and the theory of internal-control .

    本文结合已有的对外投资理论和内部控制理论及实际操作方法,从HT实业集团的实际出发,对其对外投资内部控制进行了较 系统的分析和研究,特别是其典型投资内部控制的案例分析;

  • Abstact : It 's one of vital problems in improving our corporate legislation to systematize the one-man company .

    一人公司的 制度 已成为完善我国公司立法中亟待解决的问题之一。

  • The network technological innovation is a course step by step of systematize evolution .

    网络技术创新是一个 系统演变的进性过程。

  • In addition this paper establishes a concrete implemental model for word-of-mouth marketing systematize word-of-mouth marketing by formulating and implementing concrete strategy and coordinating with other marketing methods .

    此外,本文构建了一个口碑营销策略的具体实施模式,从具体策略制定和实施以及和其他营销策略相配合, 使口碑营销 更加 系统

  • System standard what lead systematize to manage the mode and systematize to manage the main characteristic of mode is to system control the wait the application of synthesizing of modern management method with system .

    体系标准所倡导的是 系统 管理模式,系统化管理模式主要特征是对系统论、控制论和信息论等现代管理方法的综合运用。

  • The Global Vault is part of a broader effort to gather and systematize information about plants and their genes which climate change experts say may indeed prove more valuable than gold .

    目前,世界上很多人士致力于收集种子及其 种子基因的 信息使 系统 ,全球 种子地库是这种全球性努力的的一个缩影。气候变化专家称,这些信息要比金子还要贵重。

  • Regularize standardize and systematize the inner-party supervision .

    加强党内监督的程序化、规范化、 制度 建设;

  • Password Manager XP is a program specially created to help people systematize and store securely valuable information .

    密码管理器XP是专门帮助人们 建立 系统 和存储有价值的信息安全计划。

  • You need to systematize your approach to problem solving .

    你需要采用有 条理的方法解决问题。

  • And by writing report all students will learning how to systematize their learning .

    每位同学需撰写书面报告,以 系统 归纳他们的学习 所得

  • The essay aims to describe and systematize the degree adverbs on the basis of the on-site work and gives the whole picture of the dialect features which are different from the Mandarin .

    在实地考察的基础上对叶 话的程度副词进行 爬梳和描写,试图展示其不同与普通话的方言特色。

  • Making clear and definite the legislative principles of networking information activities is a prerequisite to systematize the interrelated laws .

    明确立法原则是建立网络信息活动法律调控 体系 前提

  • Imagery thinking makes the Wushu series to be artistic systematize and image .

    形象性思维赋予武术套路 表演艺术 技术 系统 动作形象 特点

  • The aim of science is surely to amass and systematize knowledge

    科学的目的当然是为了积累科学并 使 系统

  • The project-oriented teaching use the practical project to make the study process together and systematize the scattered knowledge by project .

    即“项目导向式”教学,将学习过程用若干个实战项目串连起来,通过项目的熟练运用 零散的知识进行 系统 集合

  • Dong Zhong-shu chiefly employed the method of analogy to systematize and theorize the Confucian theory of man is an integral part of nature in chunqiu fanlu .

    摘要汉儒董仲舒在《春秋繁露》中,主要运用了类比论证的方式将儒家“天人合一”思想 系统 、理论化。

  • How to systematize the impelling effect of efficiency ?

    如何将对效率的激励作用 体制

  • Higher vocational English is different from college English it emphasizes in practicality rather than systematize .

    高职英语与普通高校英语不同,它注重英语的实用性而非 系统

  • The selection of machining methods and the generation of technology chains are studied to systematize the integrated process planning .

    为了 实现集成的工艺设计的 系统 ,对加工方法的选择以及创成工艺链进行了研究。

  • Analysis on the Systematize Barrier and Countermeasure of Non-public Ownership Economy Development

    非公有制经济发展的 制度 障碍与对策分析

  • Building socialistic new countryside have to timely systematize and legalize the party 's policy and to reach the goal of policy and law to be interactive .

    建设社会主义新农村,要适时的 党的政策 制度 ,达到政策和法律的有效互动。

  • Based on formal study and the individual experience I tried to deepen systematize and summarize the theories in this text .

    本文试图在前人研究的基础上,加上个人的实践经验, 理论进行深入发展、总结并 加以 系统 条理

  • Enterprises must aim the existing problems of human resource development and training convert conception enhance the systematize of training employ advanced methods and technology attach importance to appraisal of training .

    国有企业必须针对人力资源开发与培训现存问题,转变观念,加强企业 员工培训的 计划性和 系统性,采用先进 适当的培训方法和技术,重视培训绩效评估。

  • We must give priority to safety prevention and never slackening in order to standardize and systematize .

    必须预防为主,常抓不懈,使疾控实验室安全管理工作标准化、 制度 和规范