
[səˈrɪndʒ, ˈsɪrɪndʒ][sɪˈrɪndʒ]



  • So hand me the syringe with the three percent concentration .

    好吧,把3%浓度的 注射器给我。

  • Fill the syringe with solution attach the needle and expel air .

    注射器 漱口液,接上针头,排出 注射器内空气。

  • At the other side of him stood a man in a white coat holding a hypodermic syringe .

    另外一边站着一个穿白大褂的人,手中拿着打针的 注射器

  • I found a needle and a syringe .

    发现一支针和一支 注射器

  • No any evident lubricant collection on the internal surface of the syringe ( including the plunger ) .


  • Take the first syringe I can find .

    拿了我最先找到的 注射器

  • Objective To Compare the clinical effect between continuous airway moistening via syringe pump and inhalation therapy via ultrasonic nebulizer .

    目的比较 微量 注射泵持续气道湿化和超声雾化吸入法的临床效果。

  • Use a fan or aseptic syringe to blow air into the cast to relieve itching if necessary .

    必要时可用扇子或清洁的 注射器将空气送入管型内以减轻瘙痒。

  • Somali arrested at airport with chemicals syringe .

    携有化学品和 索马里人在机场被捕。

  • Eg. he boiled his syringe and fired his knife to sterilize them .

    他把 注射器放到水中煮,把刀子放在火上烧来进行消毒。

  • This is a mechanical syringe .

    这是一个精细的 皮下 注射器

  • The fluid can be drawn off with a syringe

    可用 注射器将液体汲出。

  • The doctor 's clumsy handling of the syringe did not inspire confidence in his nervous patient .

    医生笨拙的 注射没有给那紧张的病人以信心。常常 使用 吸引 抽吸婴幼儿的 口鼻

  • Objective : to empolder a sort of transfusion ware with multi-function convenient to dosage confect injection instead of syringe .

    目的:开发一种取代 注射器配制药液并方便临床输液的多功能输液器。

  • Disclosed is a urinary anesthesia syringe which belongs to a medical appliance in urinary operation of the urological department .

    尿道麻醉 注射器,属于泌尿科进行尿道手术中的一种医疗器械。

  • They just designed the world 's first retractable syringe .

    他们研制出世界上首个可回收 注射器

  • Objective To compare the efficacy of lateral canals obturated in anterior teeth by ultrasonic irrigation and syringe irrigation .

    目的:对比根管超声冲洗和 注射器冲洗对前牙侧支根管充填的影响。

  • A small syringe with detachable nozzles ; used for vaginal lavage and enemas .

    带有可分离的喷嘴的小 注射器;用来洗阴道或肠。

  • When visiting a doctor make sure disposable needle and syringe and strictly sterilized medical devices are used .

    就医时,应当选择使用一次性针 以及严格消毒的医疗器械。

  • Suitable for pumping fluid or inject fluid in the manual syringe immediately after use .

    适用于供抽吸液体或在注入液体后立即用的手动 注射器

  • The application of adjustable syringe handle in clinical biopsy fuel injection timing handle

    可调 注射器手柄在临床活检中的应用燃油喷射器正时调节手柄

  • My science geek analyzed the liquid in that syringe .

    我的科学怪胎分析出 里的液体了。

  • Objective : The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the different trademarks syringes on application quality of syringe pump .

    目的:本研究旨在评估不同品牌注射器对 注射泵应用质量的影响。

  • Beatie 's wife Nancy said she inseminated him with a syringe using sperm purchased from a bank .

    从精子银行购买了精子后,该男子的 老婆帮助他进行了人工受精。

  • Insulin Glargine is thought to coprecipitate supplementary short-acting insulins when co-administered in the same syringe .

    在同一个 注射器内给药时,甘精胰岛素被认为可以与短效胰岛素形成共聚物。

  • To inject liquid or gas into the body tissues and then get the syringe out .

    将液体或气体注入身体组织,然后将 注射器 出。

  • The sample is injected by a syringe through a septum at the inject port .

    样品用进样 ,在进样口通过隔膜进样。

  • Spray or irrigate with a syringe as part of the body .


  • All I know is I was inside a syringe and now I 'm inside you .

    我知道我在一只 注射器中,现在却在你的体内。

  • A piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections .

    带有皮下注射器针头进行注射的 注射器活塞。