system of civil justice

[ˈsɪstəm ʌv ˈsɪvəl ˈdʒʌstɪs][ˈsistəm ɔv ˈsivl ˈdʒʌstis]


  • Discovery system of criminal procedure highly exists in common law system and civil law system . It is being developed and improved constantly to realize its procedural value in judicial justice and efficiency .

    刑事证据开示 制度广泛存在于英美法系国家和 大陆法系国家,并不断地发展和完善,彰显着其实现司法 公正、提高诉讼效率的诉讼价值。

  • Abide by the rule of law the civil justice system for urban and rural development is necessary to produce a certain restraint while uphold the rule of law the civil justice system would also continue to promote the urban and rural development has an important significance .

    恪守民事司法法治原则就要对 统筹城乡发展产生一定的约束,同时秉持 民事 司法法治原则也会对持续推进统筹城乡发展有着重要的意义。

  • This paper is about to study over the obliged appearance system of witness in civil procedure which is divided into five parts : Part one is to elaborate the meanings and functions the appearance of witness to realize procedural justice and substantive justice .

    本文分五大部分对 民事诉讼中强制证人出庭作证 制度进行了研究。第一章从 民事证人出庭作证的价值分析入手,阐述了证人出庭作证在实现程序 正义和实体公正两方面的意义和作用。

  • Therefore the system of default judgment has become necessary procedures of the civil justice and every country is prescribing it in detail .

    因此,缺席判决 制度成为 民事 审判 制度的必要设置程序,各国都对此做了详细规定。

  • Various countries make the regulation to the system of judgment by default It becomes a great characteristic of the system of modern civil justice .

    各国立法都对缺席判决制度做出了规定,成为现代 民事 审判 制度的一大特色。

  • Therefore the system of default judgment has become necessary procedures of the civil justice .

    因此,缺席判决 制度成为我国 民事 诉讼的必要设置程序。

  • The judicial crisis caused by the defects of theory and the confusion and conflict of judicial practice in supervision system of civil justice triggered the theoretical and practical sides to think of this system .

    我国 民事 审判监督 制度理论上的缺陷与司法实践中的混乱与冲突引发的司法危机,引起理论界、审判实务界对这项制度的广为关注和思考。

  • Building financial decentralization system at the means of constitutionalism can do better in dispensing the power with central and local government so that civil rights and social justice could be ensured .

    构建立宪形式下的财政分权 制度才能够最大限度的调和中央政府与地方政府的权力进而保障 公民权利以及社会 公正

  • Lawsuit mediation ( court mediation ) is a Chinese characteristic law system It takes root to the traditional culture keenly and is a kind of main methods of solving issues in civil case in our court of justice especially grass-roots court .

    诉讼调解(法院调解)是一项具有中国特色的法律 制度,它深深扎根于中国传统文化的土壤,一直是我国 法院尤其是基层法院 民事案件的主要解纷方式。

  • Effects of the civil justice system is a measure of civil justice in advancing the quality of services in urban and rural development pros and cons of the important criteria .

    民事 司法效果是衡量 民事 司法在推进统筹城乡发展中服务质量优劣的重要标准之一。

  • China 's supervision system of civil justice is a remedial system which has a positive meaning for correcting erroneous decision safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of litigants and guaranteeing the justice .

    我国 民事 审判监督 制度是一种事后补救制度,对于纠正错误的裁判、维护当事人的合法权益、维护司法公正是具有积极意义的。

  • The Fundamental Problems in the Reform of the System of Civil Justice

    民事 审判 制度改革中的基础性问题

  • As an important internal requirement in the grand task of procedural justice the withdrawal system of civil procedure is an guarantee for the realization of the whole litigation justice .

    民事诉讼回避 制度作为程序公正这个宏观课题的重要内在要求,是实现诉讼整体 公正的重要保障。

  • The purpose of Civil Litigation is the beginning of Civil Litigation theory system the basis of Civil Litigation legislation the ultimate aim leading the justice practice so it is worth concerning in the whole Civil Litigation theory and practice .

    民事诉讼目的是民事诉讼法学理论 体系的起点、是 民事诉讼立法的基础、同时也是指导民事诉讼 司法实践的终极目标,它在整个民事诉讼理论与实践当中的地位十分值得关注。

  • As an important and fundamental system of civil law contract dissolution system plays an important role in keeping market orders as well as ensuring justice and safety of exchange .

    作为 民法上一项重要的基本 制度,合同解除制度在维系市场经济秩序,确保交易 公平与安全方面起着重要的作用。

  • Evidence exchange system originating from Discovery in Common Law System is an important part of civil pretrial procedure . It has much importance to realize litigation justice and improve the efficiency of the civil trial .

    民事诉讼证据交换制度发源于英美 法系的证据开示 制度,是 民事诉讼审前程序中的重要组成部分,对于实现诉讼 公正,提高诉讼效率有重要意义。

  • Further consummates our country civil execution procuratorial supervision system improve the quality of work and effect of civil execution procuratorial supervision safeguard judicial justice and judicial authority .

    进一步完善我国民事执行检察监督 制度,切实提高 民事执行检察监督工作的工作质量和效果,维护司法 公正和司法权威。

  • The civil procuratorial system is an important part of procuratorial system . In modern law-governmental countries civil procuratorial system plays a significant role in safeguarding the justice and authority of law and unified and correct administration of law .

    民事检察 制度是检察制度的重要组成部分,在现代法治社会中, 民事检察制度对保障司法 公正,树立 司法权威,维护国家法律的统一正确实施,具有重要作用。