

  • Three-dimensional computer reconstruction of the retinular cells in the sex-specific structure of compound eye of Tabanus mandarinus

    计算机三维重建 复眼性特异小网膜细胞结构

  • Anticoagulative Effect and Antiplatelet Aggregation Effect of Combination of Hirudo and Tabanus on Rat Model of Blood Stasis Syndrome

    水蛭、 虻虫 配伍的抗凝血和抗血小板聚集的作用

  • Two New Species of Tabanus from Hubei China ( Diptera : Tabanidae )

    湖北 新种 记述(双翅目:虻科)

  • Five new species of Tabanus from guizhou china ( diptera : tabanidae )

    贵州 五新种(双翅目:虻科)

  • Effect of different combinations of Hirudo and Tabanus on hemorheological parameters in rat model of blood stasis syndrome

    水蛭和 虻虫不同 剂量 配伍对血瘀大鼠血液流变学指标的影响

  • Genus Hybomitra with 25 species are recorded ; genus Atylotus with 9 species are recorded ; genus Tabanus with 11 species arc recorded .

    瘤虻属25种,黄虻属9种, 11种。

  • Research on Compatibility of Scutellaria and Goldthread by sub-frying Effect of different combinations of Hirudo and Tabanus on hemorheological parameters in rat model of blood stasis syndrome

    相须药对黄芩与黄连分煎液配伍后主要成分含量变化规律研究水蛭和 虻虫不同 剂量 配伍对血瘀大鼠血液流变学指标的影响

  • Two new species of Tabanus from anhui China ( diptera : tabanidae ) some QUATERNARY MAMMALIAN FOSSILS FROM NORTHERN Anhwei

    安徽 新种 记述(双翅目:虻科)安徽北部更新世哺乳动物化石新产地

  • Properties of Fibrinolytic Protein from Tabanus amaenus Walker ( TAFP ) and Its Effects on Hemorheology in Rats

    华广虻溶纤活性蛋白( TAFP)的性质和对大鼠血液流变学的影响