T square


  • These structures include a uniform quantum wire with square magnetic obstacles the T-shaped two-terminal quantum waveguide and graphene nanoribbons .

    这些量子波导包括: T 的量子波导、中间有磁性障碍物的量子线和两种不同边界的 二维石墨纳米条带。

  • This paper proved the following result : Let T be a square function operator f ∈ Lp Rn ) 1

    本文证得了如下结果:设 T为一 平方函数算子,f∈Lp,α(Rn),1

  • Construct fault diagnosis model with normal data or fault data use T square statistics and Q statistics method to detect different fault .

    分别根据正常数据和不同故障数据构建故障诊断模型,然后用 T2统计和Q统计的方法来检测不同的故障。

  • Use t examination or square bad analysis analysis not of an age sex dissimilarity the sufferer of the occupation CHD be each quantity form to get a goal a circumstance of comparison .

    t检验或 方差分析分析不同年龄、性别、不同职业冠心病患者各量表得分情况的比较。

  • This is proportional to the square root of h because g is a given and c is a given even though I don 't know c.

    所以 t 根号h 正比,因g和c都是定值,当然c值尚未确定。

  • Hot test of material balance in a 75 t / h CFB boiler with water cooled square separator

    75t/h水冷 型分离器循环流化床锅炉物料平衡热态测试

  • The first man an engineer called to his dog T Square show your stuff .

    第一个人是个工程师,他对自己的狗喊道: T ,使出你的本领来。

  • The results of simulated combustion experiments in the model showed the fire in the large space building is different from the steady fire and T 2 square fire .

    文章通过建立大空间建筑物的火灾模型试验台进行模拟燃烧试验,对大空间建筑物内的扩展 火源进行了试验研究。

  • With the aid of principle of least square method ( LSM ) the algebraic relationship between temperature and resistance of sensor is fitted by using n ( 6 th ) polynomial .

    利用数值分析中的 最小二乘法,采用n次(6次)多项式拟合出 温度传感器的 温度t)与电阻(R)的代数关系。

  • Results Between the control group and brain infarction group chi square test showed no significant difference in the frequencies of T / T genotype and T allele ( P > 0.05 ) .

    结果经 χ2检验,AGT基因T/T基因型和 T等位基因频率脑梗塞组(51.9%和70.1%)与正常对照组(42.0%和65.2%)之间相比差异无显著性(P>0.05);

  • In addition we also study the spin dynamics of the frustrated square antiferromagnets by considering the next nearest neighbor hopping t ' .

    此外,我们也讨论了次近邻跃迁项 t′对 四方晶格反铁磁体自旋动力学的影响。

  • In this study a2D two-fluid model combined with the EMMS drag model was used to simulate a bench-scale square cross-section riser with a T-abrupt exit .

    本文应用双流体模型结合 EMMS曳力模型,对 T 突变出口提升管 工况 流动进行了二维模拟。

  • It is also discussed that the estimation minimizes the mean square distance to g ( t ) when f ( t ) is a random σ - bandlimited function .

    还讨论了当f(t)为随机σ-频谱有限函数时,它与g( t)的均 距离达到最小的估计。

  • Methods The data of 304 cases of acute cholecystitis with or without gallbladder gangrene were retrospectively analyzed with Student t test for numeric data chi square analysis for qualitative data and logistic regression for multivariant analysis .

    方法对我院304例坏疽或非坏疽性胆囊炎病例进行回顾性分析,数值变量采用 t检验,分类变量采用 X2检验,并采用非条件logistic回归分析方法筛选胆囊坏疽相关危险因素。

  • The paper discusses the probability distribution of maximum for a class of Weibull process . It respectively gives the formulas of probability distribution of maximum of sample function of Weibull square wave process and Weibull monotone process of structural stress during the period 0 T w_3125 .

    本文讨论威布尔过程的最大值分布问题,获得结构应力S(t)在设计基准期〔0, T〕内的威布尔 波过程和复合单调威布尔过程的样本函数最大值概率分布表达式。

  • Chi square and t-test was performed to test the differences between the two groups . Kaplan-Meier survival curves and a log-rank test were used to compare mortality between groups .

    采用卡 检验和 t 检验比较两组病人之间差异,采用log-rank检验进行生存时间的比较并绘制Kaplan-Meier曲线。

  • When x ( t ) is full rank regular stationary process spectral characteristic and mean square error of optimal solution is given and the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of ξ is found ( See theorem 1 、 2 ) .

    当x( t)是满秩正则平稳过程时,给出了最优解ξ的谱特征和均 误差,并且找到了ξ存在的充分必要条件。

  • Chelsea won ` t question the result : we were beaten fair and square .

    切尔西 不会提出质疑:比赛的结果是 公平的。

  • The transmitted signals which were modulated is a group of orthogonal sine signals as subcarrier and non-regular zero square waves that the code elements period is T as baseband coded formats .

    它所发送的信号是由一组正交的正弦信号作为副载波,用码元周期为 T的不归零 波作为基带码型调制而成的。

  • With the outermost t layers removed this perfect magic square is still a ( 4 ( n-2t )) order one .

    这个完美 幻方去掉最外 t层后仍是(4(n-2t)阶)完美幻方。

  • A new relationship between pressure drop of the sieve plate column and velocity of flow was proposed in this paper . That the pressure drop of the sieve plate column wasn ′ t proportion to the square of gaseous velocity .

    提出计算板式塔塔板压降与气体流量的新关系,认为板式塔的压力降与气体通过筛孔的流动速度的 平方 成正比。

  • It is a T square .

    这是一把 丁字尺

  • A T S fuzzy model is established for nonlinear systems . Local recursive least square method is used to identify the sequence parameters of fuzzy rules . One step predictive method is adopted in system control .

    为非线性系统建立 T-S模糊模型,采用基于T-S模型的局部递推 最小二乘法对模糊规则后件参数进行辨识,然后用一步预测控制的方法进行控制。

  • Cutting T Slot on Pistons on the Principle of Rotating Square Unity Square Cutting and Forming

    利用旋转 正方形原理加工活塞 T形槽

  • The result shows that H_ thre is proportional to square root of the dynamic elastic moduli E_d / ρ meanwhile it is proportional to period T of the dynamic input if slope material is under the elastic condition .

    量纲分析表明弹性条件下边坡动力反应临界高度Hthre与构成边坡材料的动弹性模量Ed的 平方根成正比,与边坡材料的密度ρ成反比,与边坡动力输入的特征周期 T成正比。

  • Round bars Square bars Hexagonal bars Flat bars and Tee bars .

    回合酒吧, 正方形酒吧,六角形的酒吧,平坦的酒吧和 T 酒吧。

  • Insert t-profile of fastening clip into the square hole .

    将紧固卡子的 t 轮廓插入

  • This paper prores the complex singular square matrix T which is tux power zero matrices product A and B moreover matrices A band T hare the same rank except 22 rank I power zero matrix T.

    证明了复奇异 方阵T是两个幂零矩阵A和B的乘积,且除T是一个秩为1的2×2阶幂零矩阵外有A、B、 T的秩相同。

  • Based on the two types of test equations of stochastic differential equations additive noise and multiplicative noise the stability of Milstein numerical scheme for autonomous scalar stochastic differential equations such as the mean square stability A stability and T stability was studied .

    基于随机微分方程的两类试验方程,即噪声为增加噪声和附加噪声的两种情况,讨论了求解标量自治随机微分方程的Milstein数值方法的三种稳定性:A稳定性、均 稳定性和 T稳定性。