


  • Express your true true to the TA this is enough .

    把你的真心表达出来,真心对 TA,这样就够了。

  • You give sorrow pain and sufferings TA should hate Yao ?

    你给与了悲伤痛苦, TA就应该怨恨么?

  • You don 't need a perfect one .

    你不需要一个完美的 Ta

  • Online discussion as well as the teacher and TA 's responses is helpful to my learning .

    线上讨论以及老师和 助教的回应对我学习有帮助。

  • Submit your top three choices from the options to the TA .

    从选择中选出你最想要的三个,并提交给 助教

  • The solution about them is introduced : adopt math method to solve the mismatch of TA connect group ;

    对这些问题给出了所采用的解决方法:利用数学方法解决 TA联接组的匹配;

  • PROFESSOR : So our technology TA is also our paper TA .

    教授:所以,我们的技术 助教,也是我们的论文助教。

  • There is no need to remind your spouse that you were right about something and they were wrong .

    你完全没有必要去提醒你的爱人,关于一些事你是对的而 TA是错的。

  • In view of the importance of anode oxide film in Ta electrolytic capacitor comparative analysis is made of the influence of oxygen content in Ta anode sheet .

    针对阳极氧化膜在 电解电容器中所起的重要作用,对比分析了钽阳极块中氧含量对其形成及电性能的影响,并简述了有关影响机理。

  • And does your beloved TA prepare the gifts for you ?

    而你心爱的 TA是否为你准备了厚礼?

  • Grading will be done in a scheduled group sessions supervised by the TA .

    评分将在 助教的指导下,在一个预定的小组会议中进行。

  • Thus far there have been no large clinical trials comparing the efficacy of TEM with TA .

    因此,截至目前,并没有大型研究比较TEM与 TA的疗效;

  • You requested me as a ta . why ?

    为什么要求我当你的 训练

  • If you do not meet these requirements you must talk to a TA before registering for the course .

    如果你还没有达到这些要求,你一定要在注册本课程之前与 助教沟通。

  • Hao was a good TA and always helped when we were confused with the procedure .

    昊是个好 助教,而且总是去帮助我们当我们遇到困惑的时候。

  • Electronic Structures and Physical Properties of V Nb Ta Metal

    金属钒,铌, 的电子结构和物理性质

  • Tell your partner how lucky you feel to have them in your life .

    告诉你的伴侣,你为你的生命中有 Ta而感到多么幸运。

  • Analyze and interpret ta .

    分析和解释 数据

  • Each week a team of students will work with the TA to grade the week 's problems .

    每星期的学生评分小组将与 助教共同批改该星期的作业。

  • I want to TA to my lawyer alone .

    我要和我的律师单独 谈谈

  • Influence of Ta and TaN bottom electrodes on electrical performances of MIM capacitors with atomic-layer-deposited HfO_2 dielectric


  • I 'll buy chocolate then .

    到时我会送他( Ta)巧克力。

  • You need TA good sense of balance to skate well .

    你需要 好和平衡感才能滑好冰。

  • He caught a glimpse of the beggar and walked on .


  • In this retrospective study the researchers compared TEM with TA for both benign and malignant rectal masses .

    在这项回溯性分析研究中,研究者比较TEM与 TA,针对良性与恶性直肠肿块进行研究;

  • Effect of Temperature on Electrochemical Properties of Pt / Ta Composite Anode

    温度对铂 复合阳极电化学性能的影响

  • Each problem set will be graded by a group of students with the guidance of your TA .

    每一个题组都会由一组在 助教指导下的学生进行评分。

  • Any of you guys seen TA around ?

    你们谁看到 ta了吗?

  • You have to make a research about him or her .

    你要对 Ta做个调查。

  • You ta k about dreams to me ?

    你跟我 梦想?