table row

[ˈtebəl ro][ˈteibl rəu]

[计] 表格行

  • The code in this table is a little more complicated because it constructs a table row for each announcement .

    这个清单中的代码稍微有点儿复杂,因为它要为每个公告构造一个 表格

  • Each table row needs to select the correct data which is achieved by selecting the amt attribute which represents the total amount .

    每个 行都需要选择正确的数据,这可以通过选择amt属性实现,该属性代表的是总的数量。

  • The results showed that the temperature of the homogeneous water discharge heat water stratification clear layout of the table row deep help plants get access to low water . 5 .

    试验结果表明,对均质水体中的温排放,热水分层现象明显, 深取工程布置有利于电厂取到低温水。

  • If the RANDOM column is used to determine the partition location of a table row

    如果RANDOM列用于确定一个 的分区位置

  • A table row must fit in only one page ; it cannot span to other pages as in Oracle .

    一个 只能放在一个页中,而不能像Oracle中那样跨多个页。

  • Inserts an expression field that automatically sums a table row or column

    插入对 表格 或列自动求和的表达式域

  • What if you wanted to selected multiple elements however for example all images or every table row with a particular CSS class name ?

    然而,如果要选取多个元素(例如,所有图片)或是具有特定CSS类名的所有 ,那又怎么办呢?

  • If you want to simulate this you have to add your own table that lists the users or roles that have access to that particular table row .

    如果您希望模拟这种功能,就必须自己添加表来列出可以访问 中某 的用户或角色。

  • There are as many functions in this array as there are cells in each table row .

    中每 有多少单元格,这个数组中就有多少个函数。

  • When a user single-clicks on a table row the row will change colors to highlight his or her current selection .

    当用户在 的一个 上单击时,此行将会改变颜色以突出显示用户的当前选择。

  • This code also uses Ajax to get the table row that displays the selected activity .


  • You can do this by passing a parameter ( in this case the owner 's user ID ) from the outer table row to the inner table .

    您可以通过从外层 表格 内层表格发送一个参数(在本例中,是所有者的用户ID),来实现这项任务。

  • UIMA handles the given text column content of each table row as one text document .

    UIMA将每个 的特定文本列内容作为一个文本文档处理。

  • For each item in the array create a table row that contains all the relevant information .

    对于数组中的每个项目,创建一个包含所有相关信息的 表格

  • For this report to make sense you must limit the inner table to show only the work items that are owned by the user in the outer table row .

    为了实现这一份报表,您必须将inner表格限制为只显示outer 表格 中用户所拥有的工作项。

  • It maintains a list file that has one HTML table row for each Purify run so far in reverse chronological order .

    它维护了一个到目前为止对每个Purify运行都有一个HTML 表格 的文件列表,反之则是按照时间顺序的。

  • This method returns an entity bean for the cart table row with the given CartId .

    该方法返回一个用于购物车 的实体bean,这个实体bean有一个给定的 CartId

  • For example if a duplicate source table row matches exactly with the same target table row that has been updated you will see the error message .

    例如,如果复制已被更新的、与相同目标表行匹配的源 ,那么您将会看到错误消息。

  • If a row has already been updated or deleted then this row cannot be joined again with any source table row for another update or delete again .

    如果一个行已被更新或者删除,那么不能针对该 再次更新与删除,再次与任何源 联接。

  • In a DPF environment each table row is distributed to a database partition according to the distribution key specified in the CREATE TABLE statement .

    在DPF环境中,根据CREATETABLE语句中指定的分区键, 中的每个 被分布到一个分区上。

  • In the following example MooTools will select every table row with the CSS class odd which could be useful for implementing row striping ( alternating background colors between table rows )


  • There are times when you only need to map a subset of a table to a Java object ; while in other cases you may want to map a table row into multiple objects .

    有时候,只需要将一个表的子集映射到一个Java对象;而有时候又需要将一个 映射到多个对象。

  • Then for each row from the fact table scan the foreign key is also hashed and probed into the bit vector to determine whether the current fact table row is filtered out .

    然后针对事实表扫描的每一行,外键也被散列并探测到位向量中,从而判断当前的事实 是否被过滤掉了。

  • There are three compression features provided by Oracle ; index table and row level compression .

    Oracle提供了两种压缩特性:一种是索引级压缩,另 种是 压缩。

  • Concurrency control Supports table and row level locking .

    并发控制支持 级和 级锁。

  • As you know you can use the Selector function from a JavaScript framework to easily select an element by its ID. In this instance you have two elements with IDs & both tr ( table row ) elements with the IDs row-001 and row-002 respectively .

    如您所知,可以使用JavaScript框架的Selector函数根据ID轻松选取元素。在该例中,有两个元素具有ID&均为tr( )元素,ID分别为row-001和row-002。

  • Each attribute pair is associated with an item which plays the role of a table row .

    每个属性对与一个充当 数据 的项相关联。

  • Logically each fact table row now represents a document not a keyword occurrence .

    逻辑上,每个事实 现在代表一个文档,而不是关键词的一次出现。