
[ˈsɪrəp, ˈsɚ-][ˈsɪrəp]


  • Pour in some of the syrup but not all of it as it will probably overflow

    倒一些 糖浆进去,但别全倒,因为可能会溢出来。

  • The problem ? Reliably determining the ratio of rice syrup to honey is nearly impossible .

    但问题在于,想要确定大米 糖浆和蜂蜜的可靠比例几乎是不可能的。

  • I 'm going to use1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup .

    我要用的是一勺的巧克力 糖浆

  • And help me pick the toppings and syrup .

    帮我选上面的配料和 糖浆

  • Stir in the sugar and maple syrup .

    把豆沙和砂糖以及枫 糖浆一起拌匀。

  • I skimmed the foam from the boiling syrup .

    我撇去了煮沸 糖浆上的泡沫。

  • For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread and syrup

    早餐我吃了一片厚厚的 糖浆的面包。

  • Strips of grapefruit peel cooked in sugar syrup and coated with sugar .

    条状的葡萄柚皮在 糖浆里煮,表面裹上了一层糖衣。

  • In a glass muddle mint leaves with lime juice and simple syrup .

    在一个玻璃,蒙混过关,薄荷叶与石灰汁和简单的 糖浆

  • She dosed up the children with cough syrup .

    她把止咳 糖浆给孩子们喝了。

  • It can also be eaten as a sweet dish with jam syrup or sugar .

    你也可以把它当成带有甜味的碟子,拌着果酱或 糖浆一起吃。

  • Trev : Caramel and chocolate syrup .

    崔佛:焦糖和巧克力 糖浆

  • No it 's nothing serious . I 'll prescribe you some medicine and a cough syrup .

    不,并不严重。我给您开点儿药和止咳 糖浆

  • A solution of sugar boils down to a syrup .

    糖水煮浓而成 糖浆

  • Sugar and water and sometimes corn syrup boiled together ; used as sweetening especially in drinks .

    蔗糖和水煮在一起,有时也和玉米 糖浆煮在一起;尤其在饮料中用作甜味剂。

  • It is just a corn syrup full of sugar .

    这仅仅是一个玉米 糖浆,糖充分。

  • Layers of ice cream and syrup and whipped cream .

    多层冰淇淋、 糖浆和搅打奶油。

  • Pie made of pecans and sugar and corn syrup and butter and eggs .

    由山核桃、食糖、玉米 、黄油和鸡蛋做成的馅饼。

  • Made of milk and flavored syrup with soda water .

    由牛奶和用苏打水调味的 糖浆制成。

  • This syrup is good for your cough .

    这种 糖浆对你的咳嗽很有效。

  • Maple syrup is made from SAP extracted from the sugar maple tree .


  • Popcorn combined with a thick sugar or molasses or caramel syrup and formed into balls .

    爆米花和稠糖或糖蜜、焦糖 糖浆混合,抟成球。

  • Thus the necessary tablet capsule or syrup is obtained .

    因此必要的片剂,胶囊和 糖浆 通常可以获取。

  • Ball of crushed ice with fruit syrup .

    碎冰和 果汁 做成的球。

  • Spongy confection made of gelatin and sugar and corn syrup and dusted with powdered sugar .

    像海绵的糖果,由凝胶、糖和玉米 糖浆制成,然后撒上糖粉。

  • Bread slice dipped in egg and milk and fried ; topped with sugar or fruit or syrup .

    面包片蘸鸡蛋和牛奶,然后油炸;上敷有糖,或水果,或 糖浆

  • Carbonated drink with fruit syrup and a little phosphoric acid .

    加水果 糖浆和少许磷酸的碳酸饮料。

  • Glycerine is frequently used as syrup in medicines and toothpaste .

    甘油经常被用来制造药用 糖浆和牙膏。

  • Chocolate liquor is a sweet syrup containing chocolate sugar and other ingredients .

    巧克力液是一种甜的 糖浆含有巧克力、糖和其他成分。

  • No it was corn syrup and food dye it was really sticky and sugary .

    不是。它是玉米 糖浆和食用染料。它非常的粘稠和甜腻。