

adj.& adv.迎风的(地),上风的(地),向风的(地)


  • Interference effects on local fluctuating pressure on two square tall buildings in tandem arrangement : part 1 windward side effects

    两串列方柱局部脉动风压干扰研究:第1部分 迎风面效应

  • Lower the windward anchor to seafloor .


  • And on the windward side rain falls very heavily indeed .

    大量雨水降落在 向风

  • A volcanic island in the Windward Isles south of Martinique .

    一个火山岛屿,位于马提尼克岛以南的 向风岛。

  • I 'm corporal barnes . I 'm to escort you to the windward side of the base .

    我是 巴恩斯下士,是来送你们去基地的。

  • Let 's get to windward of the smoke .

    咱们到烟的 上风去吧。

  • Enter from the windward of the scene .

    上风 进入现场。

  • The act of beating to windward ; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing .

    迎风 击;对着吹来的风紧紧地尽可能的控制方向。

  • The first windward leg went pretty well we had good speed .

    我们的第一个 迎风还跑得不错,速度很快。

  • Now I don 't really remember where the windward coast was but I do remember it was a really beautiful place . The killer storm is now headed toward the Bahamas and bringing rough surfs to Florida .

    我已经不太记得那个 向风的海岸在哪里了,但我记得那的确很美。目前,风暴正向巴哈马群岛移近,弗罗里达海岸也因此卷起了巨浪。

  • The wind was so strong we could not sail to windward .

    风大得使我们不能 顶风航行。

  • An island in the center of the Windward Islands ; the largest of the islands comprising Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .


  • Now I don 't really remember where the windward coast was but I do remember it was a really beautiful place .

    我已经不太记得那个 向风的海岸在哪里了,但我记得那的确很美。

  • In the later model the advection was treated with windward difference format to avoid occurrence of negative concentration .

    在污染扩散模型中还对平流项作 迎风差分格式处理以避免出现浓度负值。

  • Country Report : Jamaica Belize Windward and Leeward Islands with Country Profile .

    国家报告:牙买加、伯利兹、 向风 群岛与背风群岛》附《国家简况》。

  • The village of Zennor lies upon the windward coast of Cornwall .

    真纳是康沃尔郡 迎风的海岸边上的小渔村。

  • They erected a2-metre-high mud wall on the windward side .

    他们在 迎风的一边筑起了一堵两米高的土墙。

  • The daily maximum surface temperature appears on the coping of the sand dune the minimum temperature and the greatest diurnal temperature range appear on the windward slop .

    沙丘表面日最高温出现在顶部,日最低温和日较差最大值出现在 迎风坡。

  • When putting out a fire disaster that gives out erosive steam or poisonous gas the firefighters should wear gas masks and other related protective articles and should operate from the windward side .

    腐蚀性蒸气或有毒气体的火灾时,扑救人员应穿戴防毒面具和相应的防护用品,站在 上风 施救

  • Later waves of settlers arrived by the 12th century this time from Tahiti . An island of the southern Pacific Ocean in the Windward group of the Society Islands in French Polynesia .

    此后,从12世纪开始,大批人从塔希提岛来此定居。塔希提岛南太平洋一个岛屿,位于法属波利尼西亚的社会群岛中 迎风群岛上。

  • The wind was so strong they could not sail to windward . The boat was eating its way up towards the wind .

    风太大了,他们不能 顶风驶船。那只船顶着风快速地行驶。

  • Do you think that your district where you live is windward ?

    你认为你居住的地区当 吗?

  • The ship worked to windward .

    这船 顶风 缓慢 行进

  • Gardens on the windward side of a hill receive more rain than those on the lee side .

    山坡 向风面的花园比背风面的雨水多。

  • Lattice main shaft has advantages of small windward area low wind loading and reasonable stress distribution and it should be widely developed in future .

    格构式主轴具有结构 迎风面积小、风荷载小、受力合理等诸多优点,今后应进行大力开发。

  • The performance dragged . The ship worked to windward .

    演出缓慢沉闷地进行着。这船 顶风 缓慢 行进

  • The trichoid sensilla are arranged on the inner side ( windward side ) surface of the antennal stem and branch in each flagella segment .

    在触角鞭节的每对侧枝的内侧( 迎风面)着生许多毛状感受器。

  • Typically a bridge structure should be examined separately under wind pressures from two or more different directions in order to ascertain those windward leeward and side pressures producing the most critical loads on the structure .

    典型的情况是,为了确定对结构产生最危险荷载的上、 下风向及侧向压力,应分别地在来自两个或更多方向的风压作用下,分析一座桥梁结构。

  • Japanese and the Canadian standard has made the corresponding simplification computation to the rectangular section structure by crosswind windward load function .

    日本和加拿大规范对矩形截面结构横风 向风荷载作用做了相应简化计算。