synthetic polymer

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈpɑləmɚ][sinˈθetik ˈpɔləmə]


  • Biodegradable aliphatic polyesters synthetic polymer scaffolds have been extensively applied in tissue-engineering . Various methods have been explored for fabrication of porous scaffolds using PLLA PGA as well as its copolymers their porosity increased and pore structure was improved through modifications and combination of present ways .

    生物可降解人工 合成脂肪族聚酯类 聚合物支架已广泛应用于组织工程中,人们开发了多种方法制备多孔PLLA、PGA及其共聚物支架,并通过对这些方法的改进或多种方法的结合提高孔隙率,改善孔结构。

  • Study of Plasticizing of Synthetic Polymer Carboxylic Acid on Cement

    合成 羧酸物质对水泥的塑化效果研究

  • Starch is natural polymer with good biocompatibility and biodegradability but poor mechanical properties . PVA is synthetic polymer with good mechanical properties but poor biodegradability .

    淀粉是天然高分子材料,具有良好的生物相容性和生物降解性,但是其力学性能较差;PVA是 合成 高分子 材料,具有良好的力学性能,但是其降解性能较差。

  • This paper introduced the chemical structure and physical properties of polyhydroxyalkanoate ( PHA ) and discussed in detail the advances of chemical and physical modifications of PHA with natural macromolecule synthetic polymer and biological technology .

    介绍了聚羟基烷基酸酯的化学结构、物理性质,详细论述了用天然高分子、化学 合成 高聚物及生物技术改性聚羟基烷基酸酯的研究进展。

  • They were made using synthetic polymer and silkscreen ink on canvas and marked the couple 's wedding in1981 .

    他们使用 合成 聚合物和丝网墨在画布上完成,为庆祝夫妇1981年的婚礼。

  • A new type of synthetic polymer fracturing fluid with low formation damage is introduced in this paper . The gellant FA-200A used in this new fracturing fluid system is almost free of insoluble materials .

    介绍了新型低损害 合成 聚合物压裂液体系,该压裂液体系采用的稠化剂FA-200A为几乎不含水不溶物的 合成 聚合物,体系的残渣少;

  • The development of composite of gelatin / synthetic polymer

    明胶/ 合成 高聚物复合材料研究进展

  • Synthetic polymer possesses such advantages as rich raw materials resources convenient synthesis easy processing strong pound-resistance light weight and low cost .

    合成 高分子化合物具有原料丰富、合成方便、成型加工容易、抗冲击能力强、重量轻和成本低等许多优点。

  • Holten-Anderson and colleagues set out to replicate that in the laboratory using a synthetic polymer or a simplified version of a string of mussel protein molecules .

    Holten-Anderson和同事着手在实验室用一种 人造 聚合物来复制这种物质,或造一束简化版的河蚌蛋白质分子。

  • Liquefied products could partly replace petroleum-based polyether polyols and polyester polyols as raw materials for synthetic polymer resins .

    液化产物可作为 合成 高分子树脂的原料,能部分替代来源于石化产品的聚酯或聚醚多元醇。

  • Synthetic polymer material is a kind of new chemical sand-fixation and dust suppressants .

    论文研制的固沙抑尘剂材料是一种水溶性良好的 丙烯酸酯 高分子化合物乳液。

  • The spray consists of a synthetic polymer mixed with ethanol and placed in a small high-tech dispenser that could be mistaken for a prop on the set of Star Trek .

    这个分配器很像电影《星球大战》中道具飞船带喷 的推进器,用一外加电场对混合溶液充电。

  • Development of Synthetic Polymer Surface Sizing Agent

    合成 聚合物表面施胶剂的最新研究进展

  • Field tests have been made on CO2 stimulation N2 drive air injection displacement synthetic polymer flooding cross-linked polymer flooding and microbial oil recovery successively .

    中原油田相继开展了CO2吞吐、N2驱、空气驱、 合成 聚合物驱、交联聚合物驱、微生物采油等项现场试验。

  • A novel water-soluble thermo-sensitive polymer containing serine moieties was designed and synthesized in this work . Different from traditional temperature - sensitive materials ' volume phase transition the synthetic polymer takes the pH value of its aqueous solution as the response signal to temperature changing .

    本工作设计合成了一种含丝氨酸结构的新型水溶性温敏聚合物,与传统温敏性材料的体积相转变不同,所 合成 聚合物以其水溶液的pH值作为对温度变化的响应信号。

  • Molecularly imprinted polymer ( MIP ) is a kind of synthetic polymer with specific recognition properties .

    分子印迹聚合物是一类具有特异性识别能力的 合成 聚合物

  • Poly ( vinyl alcohol ) ( PVA ) is a kind of biodegradable synthetic polymer but in the natural environment the efficiency of PVA degradation is low and PVA is produced by the hydrolysis of poly ( vinyl acetate ) in industry .

    聚乙烯醇(PVA)是一种可降解的 化工 高分子 化合物,但是自然界对它的降解效率较低,在工业上它是由聚乙酸乙烯酯进行醇解反应得到的。

  • Polylactic Acid ( PLA ) is one of the synthetic polymer materials which is widely used in the research and application of tissue engineering . But because of its bad surface hydrophilicity and absence of natural molecule acting point its application as biomaterials was limited .

    聚乳酸(PLA)是目前组织工程研究和应用最广泛的 合成 高分子材料之一,但是由于其具有表面亲水性差,缺乏天然分子识别位点等缺点大大的限制了其作为生物材料的应用。

  • Acrylic paint is a synthetic polymer paint pigment powder is made to reconcile acrylic latex .

    丙烯颜料属于 人工 合成 聚合颜料,是颜料粉调和丙烯酸乳胶制成的。

  • In this paper the use of synthetic polymer and special methods to improve the delivery of antisense oligonucleotides were discussed .

    现对提高 聚核苷酸细胞内转运的 载体和方法作一较详尽的归纳。

  • The fibrous materials as reinforcements in synthetic polymer composites include wood flour chopped fibers nutshell flour peanut-hull flour corncob flour rice hull flour and cellulose fibers .

    作为 合成 聚合物复合材料增强的木纤维素包括木纤维素粉(如木粉、细切纤维、花生壳粉、坚果壳粉、玉米芯粉、谷壳粉等)和纤维素纤维。

  • Synthetic polymer oxy enriching membrane has selective permeability for gases and under pressure it can obtain enriched oxygen air provided for patient from atmosphere .

    合成 高分子富氧膜对气体具有选择透过性,在压力的驱动下,可直接从空气中获得富氧空气,供患者使用。

  • Starch / PVA membrane which combined the advantages of natural polymer and synthetic polymer was prepared in this study . Starch and PVA composites are studied in many fields but starch / PVA membrane was studied in guiding tissue regeneration for the first time .

    本实验结合了天然高分子材料和 合成 高分子材料的优点制备了淀粉/PVA膜,并首次将其用于引导组织再生技术。

  • A Novel Low Damage Synthetic Polymer Gelled Hydrofracturing Fluid

    一种新型低伤害 合成 聚合物冻胶压裂液体系

  • Synthetic polymer smoother chemical additive and so on .

    合成 聚合物、固体润滑剂、添加剂等。

  • The development of composite of gelatin / synthetic polymer was discussed and application of gelatin as polymer 's additive was introduced in the paper .

    本文讨论了明胶/ 合成 高聚物复合材料的研究进展以及明胶作为高分子材料添加剂的应用情况。

  • To compare with synthetic polymer the problems in natural polymer study have been pointed out .

    合成 高分子相比,指出了天然高分子研究中存在的问题。

  • Results shows that synthetic polymer has the lowest temperature sensitivity when the ratio of AMPS and maleic is 3:1 .

    研究结果表明,AMPS和顺丁烯二酸之间的比例为3:1时 合成 聚合物的温度敏感性最差。

  • Cellulose based polymer surfactants have recently received a lot of attention because they have many advantages over common synthetic polymer surfactants such as abundant raw materials good biodegradability and safety in use .

    纤维素类高分子表面活性剂因其具有原料丰富、可生物降解、使用安全性好等一般 合成 高分子表面活性剂所难以具备的优点,目前正引起人们的广泛关注。

  • This Ph. D thesis is focused on the injectable physically-crosslinked hydrogels based on synthetic polymer and their underlying applications in drug delivery systems .

    本博士论文工作针对应用于药物缓释载体的 合成 高分子的可注射性物理水凝胶而展开。